
A Team from the College of Material and Chemical Engineering at ZZULI Published Research Achievements in Nature Communications

Updated:: 2023-03-21  Clicks: 226  

Recently, the research group led by Prof. Guo Dongjie from the College of Material and Chemical Engineering at ZZULI published a research paper entitled “Polyvinyl chloride-based dielectric elastomer with high permittivity and low viscoelasticity for actuation and sensing” in Nature Communications, a top international journal. In this paper, the College of Material and Chemical Engineering of ZZULI is the first completion unit; Huang Jianjian, a graduate student from the College of Material and Chemical Engineering at ZZULI, is the first author; Prof. Guo Dongjie is the first corresponding author. To date, it is the first time that research achievements have been published in this journal with ZZULI and ZZULI’s student as the first unit and the first author, respectively.


Paper link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-37178-5

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