
Guangzhen Cui

Updated:: 2018-01-26  Clicks: 244  

Guangzhen   Cui

Ph.D.   Lecturer,

ADDRESSNo.5,   DongFeng Road, Zhengzhou. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute,   Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002.





Research Interests:

Mechanism and robotics;   Mechanism synthesis and analysis;

Education Background:

2013/09-2017/01University of Science and   Technology Beijing, School of Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.

2011/09-2013/09University of Science and Technology   Beijing, School of Mechanical Engineering, Master

2007/09-2011/07Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Mechanical and Electrical   Engineering Institute, Bachelor


Research Achievements:

[1] Cui Guangzhen, Han Jianyou. The   solution region-based synthesis methodology for a 1-DOF eight-bar linkage [J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2016, 98:   231~241.

[2] Han Jianyou, Cui Guangzhen. Solution   region synthesis methodology of spatial 5-SS linkages for six given positions   [J]. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.

[3] Cui Guangzhen, Han Jianyou, Yang Tong.   The synthesis method of eight-bar linkage based on solution region synthesis   theory [J]. Journal of Northeastern University2015, 36(7): 1010~1014. (In Chinese)

[4] Cui Guangzhen, Han Jianyou, Yang Tong.   Solution region synthesis method of eight-bar linkages for 4R open chain [J].   Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery2015, 46(4): 331~337. (In   Chinese)

[5] Han   Jianyou, Cui Guangzhen, Yang Tong.   Solution region synthesis theory and method of six-bar linkages with   4-position motion generation [J]. Journal of Beijing University of   Aeronautics and Astronautics2014, 40(9): 1170~1175. (In Chinese)

[6] Han Jianyou, Cui Guangzhen, Hu Junjie. Solution   region synthesis method for six positions synthesis of spatial 5-SS linkages[C]. ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and   Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.

[7] Yang Tong,   Han Jianyou, Cui Guangzhen, Li   Renwu. Synthesis of Watt-I six-bar linkage based on spatial solution region   for given two coupler planes [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for   Agricultural Machinery2014, 45(9): 307~312. (In Chinese)

[8] Han   Jianyou, Cao yanping, Cui Guangzhen.   Synthesis of eight-bar linkage for specified 6R loop through four positions [J].   Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery2016, 47(9): 382~388. (In   Chinese)

[9] Hu   Junjie, Han Jianyou, Cui Guangzhen.   Defect judgment of 5-CS rigid-body guidance mechanism [J]. Transactions of   the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery2016, 47(12)398-407.(In Chinese)

[10] Han Jianyou, Xing   Jiachun, Cui Guangzhen, Yang Tong.   Research on the methodology for drive   selection and defect judgment of 5-SS rigid-body guidance mechanism[C]. 2015 IFToMM World Congress.

ASME   2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and   Information in Engineering Conference   (Oral presentation)

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