
Lei Yao

Updated:: 2018-01-26  Clicks: 251  

Lei Yao

Ph. D. Lecturer


No. 5, Dongfeng Road, Zhengzhou. Mechanical   and Electrical Engineering Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry,   Zhengzhou 450002.





Research Field & Research Interests:

Battery management system; Technology   of power Li-ion batteries pack; Battery pack fault diagnosis

Education background:


Ph. D. student in Vehicle Engineering

NELEV (National   Engineering Laboratory for Electric Vehicles), Beijing Institute of   Technology, Beijing, China


M. S. Mechanical manufacturing and theory

SKLMT (The State Key Laboratory of   Mechanical Transmissions), Chongqing University, Chongqing, China


B. S. Mechanical Design, Manufacturing   and Automation

School of   Mechanical & Electronic Engineering, Henan University of   Science and Technology, Luoyang, China

Teaching Course:

Automobile electrical and elctronic   control technology

Research results (monographs, papers, patents,   etc.):

Journal articles:

[1] Yao Lei, Wang Z, Ma J. Fault detection of the connection of   lithium-ion power batteries based on entropy for electric vehicles[J].   Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 293:548-561.

[2] Yao Lei, Wang Zhenpo. Aesearch on the charging protocols of   lithium-ion traction battery[J]. Automotive Engineering, 2015(1):72-77.

[3] Yao Lei, Wang Zhenpo. Polarization characteristics of the   lithium-ion battery[J].Transations of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2014,   34(9): 912-916.

Research Projects:

Awards & Honor:

Social Position:

Important academic activities:

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