
Yan Liyun

Updated:: 2016-06-06  Clicks: 199  

Yan Liyun 


ADDRESSSchool of Building Environment Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, PRChina



Research fields and interest:

Clean combustionNumerical computation of flow and heat transfer, Recycling utilization of solid waste.

Education background

2009.09-2014.12,power engineering and engineering thermophysics, Chongqing University, Doctorate Degree;

2006.10-2009.07, power engineering and engineering thermophysics, Chongqing University, M.A.in engineering;

2000.09-2004.07, thermal energy and power engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, bachelor degree in engineering.

Teaching courses:

Fundamental & Equipment of heat & Mass Transfer, technology of Boiler and boiler room; Heat Transfer.

Achievements in scientific research:

[1]Liyun Yan, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, et al., Research on Sulfur Recovery from the Byproducts of Magnesia Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering2014, 65(1-2),487-494. (SCI).

[2]L.Y. Yan, X.F. Lu, Q. Guo, et al., Research on the thermal decomposition and kinetics of byproducts from MgO wet flue gas desulfurization [J]. Advanced Powder Technology,2014,26(6),1709-1714(SCI).

[3]Liyun Yan, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, et al., An experimental study on recovery of SO2 and MgO from by-products of MgO wet flue gas desulfurization on an industrial demonstration unit [J]. Environmental Engineering Science, 2014, 31(11):624-630.(SCI).

[4]Liyun Yan, Xiaofeng Lu, Quanhai Wang, et al., Experimental Research on Fluidization Characteristics of Desulfurization By-product and Feasibility Analysis of Sulfur Recovery [C], 2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Shanghai, China, 2012. (EI).

[5]Liyun Yan, Xiaofeng Lu, et al., Research on releasing characteristics of sulfur in byproducts[C], Chinese Engineering Thermal Physics Conference, 2013,11, Chongqing.

[6]Liyun Yan, Chao Liu, The influences of calcium salt and sylvite on gas products released by cellulose pyrolysis[C]. The 15th national engineering thermal physics conference of university, Tianjing, 2009, 5.


Liyun Yan, et al. A method for recovery and utilization of magnesium oxide wet flue

gas desulfurization byproduct in power station(ZL 2019 1 1058128.2), 2021.5.

Present scientific research:

Scientific and technological breakthroughs in Henan Province;

Doctor scientific research fund of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry.

Important academic activities:

International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler;

       Youth symposium on new theories, methods and Trends of thermodynamics2017.

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