
Niu Cong

Updated:: 2016-06-06  Clicks: 196  

Cong Niu

Doctor, Lecturer






Research fields:

Education backgrounds:

2004-2008 University of Science and Technology of China, Bachelor

2009-2014 University of Science and Technology of China, Doctor

Teaching courses:

Fluid Pipeline Network, Fluid Mechanics

Achievements in scientific research:

  1. Cong Niu, YouZhi Hao, DaoLun Li, DeTang Lu*, Second-Order Gas-Permeability Correlation of Shale During Slip Flow, SPE Journal, 2014, 19(50): 786-792.

  2. Xue Li, Tao Huang, DeTang Lu*, Cong Niu, Accelerating experimental high-order spatial statistics calculations using GPUs, Computers & Geosciences, 2014, 70(9): 128-137

  3. Qing Xie, Jianping Xu, Yuanda Yuan, Cong Niu*, Quantitative analysis for the reconstruction of porous media using multiple-point statistics. Geofluids, 2020:1-11

Present scientific research:


Professional affiliations:

Important academic activities:

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