
SONG Yin-mao

Updated:: 2016-06-06  Clicks: 211  

SONG   Yin-mao


ADDRESSNo.5 Dongfeng   Road, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, PRC





Research Interest: Building Electrical and Intelligence;intelligence detection and information processing

Educational   Background:

1979.9~1983.7 Hebei University of Technology, school of   control science and Engineering,   Bachelor Degree

1985.9~1988.6   Hebei University of Technology, school   of control science and Engineering, Master   Degree

Courses   taught: principle of microcomputuer;Introduction   of automation


[1] SONG Yin-mao, LIU Guo-leAn image segmentation algorithm based on an improved PCNNJournal of Circuits and Systems,   2010, 15(1): 77-81.

[2] Song   Yinmao, Yuan Duanlei, Lu Yifeng, Qiao Guihua Automated detection of fabric defects based on optimum PCNN mode Journal of Scientific Instrument2008,29(4):888-891.

[3] SONG Yinmao,LI Xiaojuan,LIU Lei. Adaptive Median Filter Algorithm Based on   Neural Network Noise DetectorJournal ofVideo Engineering 2011,35(5):   39-42.

[4] SONG Yin-mao,LI   Xiao-juan Salt and Pepper Noise Filter   Based on GA-BP Algorithm Noise DetectorJournal of Opto-Electronic Engineering,   2011, 38(2): 59-63.

Project in Research:

[1] Research on the Monitoring Instrument of   Sucked Liquid Ratio

[2] Automated   detection of fabric defects based on machine recognition

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