| Xu-YaJing | professor | ADDRESS: Mathematics and information sciences | PHONE: 13938519180 | FAX: | E—mail:xuyajingll@163.com | Websites: | Research Interests: Application of statistical, Multivariate statistical analysis , Time series analysis | Education:In July 1981 to June 1985 in Zhengzhou university mathematics read undergraduate course In July 1985 to June 1988 in Zhengzhou university mathematics graduate student (master)
| Teaching Course: Analytic geometry, complex function, statistical software, probability and mathematical statistics, mathematical statistics
| Publications:(Journal): Published more than 30 papers, Editor or to write 8 works | Ongoing Projects: | Honors: | Social Appointments: Statistical society standing director of Henan province | Academic Activities: Multivariate statistical analysis and time series analysis method was used to study the economic development and environmental pollution problems |
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