
Xiaoli Guo

Updated:: 2015-11-12  Clicks: 264  

 Xiaoli Guo,

Professional title :Professor, master student advisor

ADDRESS: No.5 Dongfeng Road, Zhangzhou,   Henan Province

PHONE: 037163556768




Research   Interests

Mathematical   Modeling

Biological   Mathematics

Stability Theory   for Nonlinear Systems

Operation Research


·Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (2005)

Zhengzhou University,   Zhengzhou, P.R. China 

·M. Sc. in   Mathematics (1992)

Zhengzhou University,   Zhengzhou, P.R. China

·B. Sc. in Mathematics (1989)

Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, P. R. China

Teaching   Course

Calculus, Real   Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Linear Algebra, Introduction to Differential Equations, Operation   Research.


Books and Book Chapters:

(1) Linear Algebra and Analytical   Geometry of Three Dimensions, Mechanical Industry Press, 2008.7, (chapter:5)

(2) Practical Model, Method and   Computation of Operation Research, Qinghua University Press, 2007,12, (chap7,   chap9)

(3) Calculus and its Application,   Mechanical Industry Press,  2008,8(chap1,2,3).

Ongoing Projects:


The first prize in the 3rd   institutional contest of “Classroom Teaching Skills of College Youth Teachers”, Zhengzhou University of Light   Industry (1998)

·Outstanding youth college teacher,   Provincial Department of Education(1999)

·Research award, Provincial   Department of Education (2004)

·Youth key teacher, Provincial   Department of Education (2004)

·Teaching award, Zhengzhou   University of Light Industry (2011)

Social   Appointments

Academic   Activities

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