
Programs & Courses

Updated:: 2015-10-27  Clicks: 545  


Electrical Engineering at Zhengzhou University of Light Industry emphasizes the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. This program will lead to the Bachelor of Engineering degree, which provides a broad foundation in electrical engineering through combined classroom and laboratory work and prepares the student for entering the profession of electrical engineering as well as for further study at the graduate level.

Core courses provide the student with a strong background in mathematics, physical sciences and the fundamentals of engineering. Each student enrolled in this program must take 190 credits, including 114 credits for compulsory courses, 37 credits for elective courses (at least 6 credits in semester 5, 8 credits in semester 6 and 7), 35 credits for practice, and 4 credits for innovation module. The core courses are listed in Table 1 – Table 7.

Table 1.  Courses in Semester 1

Course Title



Ethics and Foundations of Law



College English 1



Advanced   Mathematics A



Introduction to Computer Applications



Linear   Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry



Engineering   Drawing and AutoCAD



Physical   Education 1



Table 2.  Courses in Semester 2

Course Title



College English 2



Advanced   Mathematics B



Physics   A



C   Programming Language



Introduction   to Electrical Engineering



Physical   Education 2



Table 3.  Courses in Semester 3

Course Title



College English 3



Physics   B



Physics   Experiments A



Complex   Variables and Integral Transforms



Electric   Circuits A



Analog   Electronics Technology



Physical   Education 3



Table 4.  Courses in Semester 4

Course Title




College English 4



Outline   of Modern Chinese History



Writing   Skills




Physics   Experiments B



Digital   Electronics Technology



Electric   Machinery



Electric   Circuits B



Power   Engineering



Physical   Education 4



Table 5.  Courses in Semester 5

Course Title




Microcontroller Principle   and Interface Technology



Principle   of Automatic Control



Computer   Control Technology




Electrical   Safety




Computer-aided   Design in Electrical Engineering




Computing   and Programming with MATLAB




Probability   and Statistics




Power   Electronics Techniques A



Electrical   Control and Programmable Logic Controller



Engineering   Electromagnetics



Power   System Analysis



Table 6.  Courses in Semester 6

Course Title




Modern   Enterprise   Management




Detection   Technique



Power System Relaying



Introduction to Smart Grid



High Voltage Technology



Servo   Control Technology




Power   Electronics Simulation




Advanced   Applications of PLC




Wind   Energy Conversion Technology




Grid   Monitoring and Dispatching Automation



The   Fieldbus Technology and Application



Table 7.  Courses in Semester 7

Course Title




Modern   Control Theory




Frontiers   of Electrical Engineering




Microcontroller   System Design




New Energy Grid Connection




Photovoltaic   Generation Technology and Application




Table 8.  Practice Courses





Metalworking   Practice




Cognitive   Practice




Course   Project of Electronics Technology




Computer Assembly and Network Cabling




Exercitation for Electrical Engineering




Integrated Project of Electronics Technology




Professional Practice




Professional Course Project




Graduation Project




Semester 1

Advanced Mathematics A

Course Code: 1002101           Credits: 3            Hours: 56

The course includes functions, limit of function and sequence, continuity of function, basic derivative and differential, differential mean value theorem and application of derivative, indefinite integral of one variable, definite integral of one variable and its application, in addition, differential equation. This course paves a way for later studies in mathematics and science.

Introduction to Computer Applications

Course Code: 0442100           Credits: 3            Hours: 50

The course content includes basic internet knowledge, application of Microsoft such as Word, Power Point and Excel, application of Access database, basic graphic drawing operation, basic skills of creating animations, basis of website design, preliminary operation of building networks and basic operation of handling computer virus. The course outlines fundamental computer applications to help students for further studies involving computer processing.

Linear Algebra and Space Analytic Geometry

Course Code: 1003100           Credits: 3            Hours: 52

The course provides knowledge such as determinant, vector algebra, plane and straight line, matrices, linear equations, eigenvalue and eigenvector, quadratic and quadric surface. It also covers mathematical approaches and foundations for transforming data by using matrices.

Engineering Drawing and AutoCAD

Course Code: 0223103           Credits: 2            Hours: 42

Engineering drawing is the language of the engineers and technicians. This course will equip students with the fundamentals of this unique language and give them the skills necessary to prepare complete, concise, and accurate communications. This course will gradually increase the students drafting skill starting with hand-drafting, sketching to basic 2D AutoCAD, then onto 3D AutoCAD shapes.

Semester 2

Advanced Mathematics B

Course Code: 1002102           Credits: 6            Hours: 108

This course extends the mathematics presented in Advanced Mathematics A. The course contains basic vector algebra, space analytic geometry, integral and differential calculus of multiple variables of scalar functions, line and surface integrals of vector fields, the theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes, infinite series, Laplace transformation as well as Fourier series and integrals. Besides, elementary linear algebra is also introduced at this stage. This course provides mathematicians and physical scientists with essential mathematical techniques in order for those professionals to apply the techniques to scientific issues.

Physics A

Course Code: 0902102           Credits: 3            Hours: 58

The course introduces the principles of physics involved in mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. There is a lab associated with this course. The topics of mechanics include: kinematics, displacement, velocity, acceleration, motion in one and two dimensions, Newton's laws of motion, free-body diagrams, circular motion, friction, kinetic and potential energy, work, momentum, conserved quantities, rigid bodies, rotational motion, moment of inertia gravitation. The topics of thermodynamics include: basic concepts in thermodynamics, forms of energy, properties of pure substances, phase transitions, first law of thermodynamics, entropy, and second law of thermodynamics. The topics of electromagnetism include: electric field, electric flux density, Gauss's law, electric potential, electric polarization, dielectrics and electric boundary conditions, magnetic field, magnetic flux density, magnetic vector potential, Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, magnetic dipole, magnetization and magnetic boundary conditions, Faraday's law, displacement current, and Maxwell's equations in their final integral and differential forms.

C Programming Language

Course Code: 0443102           Credits: 4            Hours: 64

This course includes the outline of C language, data types and data objects, arithmetic operations, the Basic program structure, branching structure, circular structure, function, organization, algorithms, procedures, arrays, structures, pointers, strings, files, and lists. This course focuses on the training of programming skills and the basic computer architecture. Students can experience practical program design and develop programming capabilities.

Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Course Code: 0123200           Credits: 1            Hours: 20

This course is intended to give the student an integrated introduction to electrical and electronic engineering. This will provide students with a foundation and knowledge necessary for the understanding of electrical aspects of renewable energy engineering. Techniques and equipment used in the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power will be analyzed and discussed, as well as how a power system operates and what are the general problems facing electricity utilities.

Semester 3

Physics B

Course Code: 0902103           Credits: 3            Hours: 44

The course introduces the principles of physics involved in vibration and waves, optics, and elementary quantum mechanics. There is a lab associated with this course. The topics of vibration and waves include: oscillations, resonance, wave equation, spatial combination of waves, Doppler Effect. The topics of optics include: geometrical optics, reflection and refraction, images from mirrors and lenses, optical instruments, interference and diffraction. The topics of elementary quantum mechanics include: particle aspects of electromagnetic radiation, wave aspects of particles, Rutherford and Bohr models of the atom, development of the Schrodinger equation, application of the Schrodinger equation to a particle in a box and finite potential wells.

Physics Experiments A

Course Code: 0932200           Credits: 1            Hours: 29

The purpose of performing physics experiments in the laboratory is not only to reinforce the material in physics lecture, but also to enhance student’s understanding of how scientific knowledge actually progresses. As the students perform the experiments in this manual, they will encounter a messy reality quite unlike the tidy exercises of textbooks — a reality of inconclusive results, subtle equipment problems, and experimental biases. It is hoped that this course will give students a taste of the difficulties and thrills of real experimentation. The experiments in this course include: moment of inertia, mapping electrostatic field, spectrometer, characteristics of sensitive galvanometer, measuring temperature coefficient of resistance by Wheatstone Bridge, silicon photovoltaic cell characteristics, measuring thermal conductivity, using oscilloscope, measuring Planck Constant using Photoelectric Effect.

Complex Variables and Integral Transform

Course Code: 1012103           Credits: 3            Hours: 50

The course will provide students with the ability of solving practical problems by applying mathematical knowledge. Topics include: complex numbers, complex functions (limit and derivative), differentiation of functions of complex variables, analytic functions as conformal mappings, explicit integration along a path in the complex plane in Cartesian or polar coordinates, Cauchy's theorem, Taylor and Laurent series, Residue theorem, Fourier Transforms and inverse, Laplace Transforms, inverse Laplace transforms.

Electric Circuits A

Course Code: 0103100           Credits: 5            Hours: 80

The course focuses on the analysis of electromagnetic phenomena and the basic laws in a circuit. The course includes the research of characteristics of resistors, capacitors, inductors and non-linear components such as diodes, transistors and thyristors, the basic circuit analysis methods and Kirchoff's lows, Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits, sinusoidal AC circuit, resonance, mutual inductance and three-phase AC circuits. By solving the circuit voltage and current, students could understand the characteristics of electricity network and develop fault finding skills.

Analog Electronics Technology

Course Code: 0103101           Credits: 4            Hours: 64

This course covers the common semiconductor devices, basic amplifier circuit, negative feedback amplifier circuit, integrated operational amplifier and its applications, waveform generator, transform circuit, power amplifier circuit, DC power supply and electronic design automation (EDA). To reflect the development of science and technology, this course includes basic theory of integrated circuit and its application.

Semester 4

Outline of Modern Chinese History

Course Code: 1511100            Credits: 2            Hours: 36

This course introduces the history of modern China to resist external aggression, strive for national independence, overthrow the reactionary rule and achieve people's Liberation. It also helps students to understand the country's history, circumstances, and enables students to deeply understand the history and why the people chose Marxism-the Communist Party of China and the road of socialism.

Physics Experiments B

Course Code: 0932201           Credits: 1            Hours: 27

The purpose of performing physics experiments in the laboratory is not only to reinforce the material in physics lecture, but also to enhance student’s understanding of how scientific knowledge actually progresses. As the students perform the experiments in this manual, they will encounter a messy reality quite unlike the tidy exercises of textbooks — a reality of inconclusive results, subtle equipment problems, and experimental biases. It is hoped that this course will give students a taste of the difficulties and thrills of real experimentation. The experiments in this course include: measuring the magnetic field by Hall Effect, measuring sound velocity, diffraction grating, multimeters design and fabrication, application of Michelson interferometer, measuring the radius of curvature of lens by Newton ring, Eddy current sensors, Hysteresis loop, measuring Young modulus by dynamic method.

Digital Electronics Technology

Course Code: 0103102           Credits: 4            Hours: 72

This course include the basis of logical algebra, gate circuits and combinational logic circuits, trigger and timing logic circuits, pulse generator and shaping circuits, semiconductor memory, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and analog-to-digital converter (ADC), programmable logic devices ,etc. Through the study of the analysis and design of digital circuits and system, students obtain the basic knowledge, theory and skills of digital electronic technology and lay the foundation for the in-depth study of digital electronic technology and its application.

Electric Machinery

Course Code: 0123100           Credits: 5            Hours: 80

This course introduces the general issues concerning the design, principle of operation and characteristics of several types of electrical machines, including DC machines, transformer, asynchronous machines, and synchronous machines. The content of this course covers motors, generators, and its application in electrical drive system. The physical nature of electromagnetic phenomena in electrical machines is discussed on the basis of the respective mathematical apparatus. The main relationships from electrical machines theory are derived. The lecture material is presented from both the viewpoint of design and practical application of electrical machines in electric power engineering and electric drives.

Electric Circuits B

Course Code: 0103200           Credits: 3            Hours: 50

The course focuses on the analysis of electromagnetic phenomena and the basic laws in a circuit. The course includes dual-port network, non-sinusoidal circuit analysis, networks matrix equation, classical solution of the transition process, Laplace transform, integral method, state variable method, distributed parameter circuit and nonlinear circuit. By solving the circuit voltage and current, students could understand the characteristics of electricity network and develop fault finding skills.

Power Engineering

Course Code: 0124102           Credits: 4            Hours: 60

This course focuses on the basic theory and advanced technology of power engineering. It not only gives the technical data of electric power project and typical design example, but also provides new knowledge and technologies of power transmission and distribution system. Power quality monitoring and control, distribution automation, microcomputer protection and substation automation are discussed in detail.

Semester 5

Microcontroller Principle and Interface Technology

Course Code: 0103103           Credits: 4            Hours: 60

This course is mainly about the basic theory of microcontroller and classic application of interface. All applications of hardware operation are based on these theories. Because the detail architecture and mechanism of modern microcontroller and interface are updated very quickly, understanding how to learn these technologies is much more important than understanding detail technologies in this course. So, the core content of this course is about most stable theories of microcontroller, most classic applications of interface, and study ways for these contents. The content of this course covers principle of microcomputer, MCS-51 single chip microcomputer, instruction system and assembler language, memory architecture, general interface architecture and operation mechanism, programmable peripheral interface, programmable interrupt controller, and DMA controller. Debug tool of assembler language based program is also introduced in this course for practice requirement.

Principle of Automation Control

Course Code: 0113100           Credits: 4            Hours: 72

This course focuses on the basic principle of automatic control, basic control mode and classification, the requirements of control system, the establishment of differential equations and linearization, transfer function, dynamic structure and its equivalent transformation, Mason formula and its application, time-domain performance indicators, analysis and calculation of one or two-order system, frequency response of linear system, open loop frequency response, Nyquist stability criterion, stability margin and calculation, the relationship of open-loop frequency response and step response, the characteristic and function of series correction, the function and calculation of feedback correction. It provides basic feedback control theory for the future study and research in electrical engineering.

Computing and Programming with MATLAB

Course Code: 0123205           Credits: 2            Hours: 30

The course provides students with fundamentals of computing knowledge, along with both the hardware and software environments in a modern computing system to which programming languages can be applied. MATLAB programming environment is introduced to tackle engineering computing. This course enhances students’ ability to quantize, visualize and analyze practical engineering problems, and help engineers do complex calculation and simulation using effective tools.

Probability and Statistics

Course Code: 1013200           Credits: 3            Hours: 44

This course provides an elementary introduction to probability and statistics with applications. Topics include: basic probability models; combinatorics; random variables; discrete and continuous probability distributions; statistical estimation and testing; confidence intervals; and an introduction to linear regression.

Power Electronics Techniques A

Course Code: 0124100           Credits: 3            Hours: 58

This course mainly includes the rectifier circuit, DC chopper circuit, AC-AC power conversion circuit, inverter circuit and soft-switching technology, etc. Through the study of this course, students understand basic theory and methods of analysis and design techniques about power electronic devices and equipments, waveform analysis and control methods of different kinds of power converters, working principle of PWM control technology, basic experimental and testing methods of power electronic equipments.

Electrical Control and Programmable Logic Controller

Course Code: 0114106           Credits: 3            Hours: 46

This course mainly introduces the electrical control technology and system design, programmable logic controller (PLC) principles and its applications system. It systematically elaborated the general analysis and design methods of electrical control. The main contents of this course include common electromagnetic low voltage electric appliance, other commonly used low voltage electrical appliances, relay contact control system, PLC concept and working principle, integrated programmable controller, basic instructions of programmable controller, function diagram and step control instruction, application of the programmable controller. The purpose of this course is to help students obtain the necessary and basic knowledge of the analysis and design methods about electrical control technology and the application control system of PLC.

Engineering Electromagnetics

Course Code: 0103300           Credits: 4            Hours: 64

This course focuses on electromagnetic theory and the basic formula, mainly includes: vector and the basic concept, the concept of the electric and magnetic fields, the concept of the wave, the Maxwell equations for time-varying fields, transmission line time-domain analysis and sinusoidal steady-state analysis, as well as electronics, Photonics-related content. Course also introduces some solution methods, such as finite difference analysis, finite element method, so these methods can be used in engineering calculation.

Power System Analysis

Course Code: 0124104           Credits: 4            Hours: 60

This course mainly includes the basic concepts of power system, mathematical model of power equipments (such as transmission line, power transformer, synchronous generator, etc), power system operating characteristics and steady-state power flow calculation (computer aided calculation method), the adjustment and control methods of voltage and frequency in power system, power system optimization flow, fault analysis and stability analysis of power system.

Semester 6

Modern Enterprise Management

Course Code: 0721200           Credits: 1            Hours: 20

This course includes summary of modern enterprise management, enterprise system and organization culture, enterprise strategic management, marketing management, enterprise human resources management, enterprise production management, quality management, financial management, enterprise innovation and development, business management, etc. This course is to develop the students' abilities in two aspects. On one hand, foundational management ability, including: basic theory of management and management function, the cultivation of comprehensive quality and ability of managers; on the other hand, innovation and entrepreneurship, including: consciousness of innovation, entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship and innovation means.

Detection Technique

Course Code: 0114107           Credits: 2            Hours: 40

The sensors are widely used in industry and academic field. This course introduces the operating principle, characteristics, and AD converters of these sensors. The topics include: resistance sensors, inductive sensors, eddy current sensors, capacitance sensors, piezoelectric sensors, ultrasonic sensors, Hall sensors, thermocouple sensors, photoelectric sensors, digital position sensors, anti-jamming technique.

Power System Relaying

Course Code: 0124105           Credits: 2            Hours: 40

This course is an overview of the theory and practice of modern power system relaying. It will introduce industry practices in the protection of lines, transformers, generators, motors, and industrial power systems. Topics include: power systems modeling, protection fundamentals, visualization and animation of instrumentation and relay operation, protective relaying applications, stability, reclosing, and load shedding, fault monitoring and recording, relay testing.

Introduction to Smart Grid

Course Code: 0124108           Credits: 1            Hours: 20

This course introduces the new multi-disciplinary field of Smart Grid. In this course, students will learn about the intelligent energy grid that supports today's green-energy initiatives; will study real-world value propositions, business perspectives and solution scenarios from business economics and technical practicalities points of view; will discover the evolution of today's power-distribution grid and the potential benefits from dynamically applying intelligence for improved efficiencies. Course topics include: basics of power systems, smart grid definition and applications, smart grid communications, demand response, renewable generation, wide area measurement, economics and market operations.

High Voltage Technology

Course Code: 0124107           Credits: 2            Hours: 32

This course will provide students with understanding of the fundamental phenomena and principles connected with the occurrence of extensive electric field strengths. This knowledge is applied to the dimensioning of equipment of electric power systems. Methods of computer-modeling in use today are presented and applied within the framework of the exercises. Course topics include: field equations relevant for high voltage engineering, analytical and numerical solutions/solving of this equations, kinetic theory of gases, breakdown mechanisms, insulation systems, methods for the mathematical determination of insulations withstand, excursions to manufacturers of high voltage components, computer-modeling in high voltage engineering.

Grid Monitoring and Dispatching Automation

Course Code: 0124106           Credits: 2            Hours: 32

This course introduces the information measurement, transmission, monitoring, and automatic control in power grid. The topics include: structure and functions of grid monitoring and dispatching system, data acquisition and processing, remote terminal unit, substation automation, distribution automation, data communication system, and energy management system.

The Fieldbus Technology and Application

Course Code: 0124210           Credits: 2            Hours: 30

This course introduces the computer network, communication, open system interconnection reference model and basis knowledge of fieldbus, such as CAN, FF, PROFIBUS, LonWorks, industrial Ethernet, etc. It also includes the technical characteristics of communication control chips, interface circuits design and design of fieldbus control system and network system.

Semester 7

Modern Control Theory

Course Code: 0113200           Credits: 2            Hours: 30

This course provides an introduction to the modern control theory, including state space techniques, optimal control, and stability analysis and controller design. The objective of this course is to introduce some fundamental concepts of control system design, including the classical and modern control theory. This course focuses on conventional approaches of state-space equations, deals with state-space representations and solutions, Lyapunov stability, controllability and observability, feedback, pole placement, observers. This course will provide students with a better understanding of the basic concepts and analysis method of linear multivariable control systems, and design methods for linear time-invariant systems.

Microcontroller System Design

Course Code: 0124207           Credits: 1            Hours: 20

This course covers the internal structure and operation of microcontrollers, the design methodology for software and hardware applications. The objective of this course is to teach students design and interfacing of microcontroller-based embedded systems. High-level languages are used to interface the microcontrollers to various applications. There are extensive hands-on labs/projects. Embedded system for sensor applications will be introduced.

Photovoltaic Generation Technology and Application

Course Code: 0124209           Credits: 2            Hours: 30

This course is dedicated to the technical aspect of photovoltaic, including system types, components, applications, design and best practices for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. The topics include: photovoltaic modules, batteries, inverters and charge controllers, types of PV systems, design principles of stand-alone PV systems, methods to analyze the solar energy resource, component of an off-grid PV system, and basic PV system maintenance.

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