
YIN Yifeng

Updated:: 2015-07-06  Clicks: 106  

YIN Yifeng

ProfessorPhDSupervisor of Postgraduate

ADDRESSRoom 410,Bulding of School of   Computer and Communication Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light   Industry,No.166,Science Avenue, High-Tech Zone, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001,China





Research InterestsInformation Security, Network Security protocol,Cryptography

Educational   Backgrounds

He received his B.C.   with Computer Application from ShenYang   Ligong University,   Shenyang, China,   M.S. with Computer Science and PhD with Cryptography from Xidian University,   Xi’an,China respectively.

CourseNetwork Information Security, PKI,Computer Organization,   Object-Oriented Network Programming


He has published   over 8 academic books, and over 20 academic publications in the well-known   domestic and international journals included Information Sciences, Applied   Mathematics & Information Sciences, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, China   Communications etc, which more than 10 articles indexed by SCI/EI.He has won two   invention patents.Presided over two provincial achievement appraisal identified   as the leading domestic.

Projects   Undertaken:

Presided over   Funds and Researching Projects as follow:

nResearch for the Polymorphic Key Exchange   Protocol Based on Security Virtual S-box, the National Natural Science   Foundation of China (Grant No. 61272038).

nResearch on Nonlinear Characteristics of   Polymorphic SPN Algorithm Candidate Security Subsystem, the Education   Department of Henan    Province Key Project of   Science and Technology Research (13A520363)

nResearch on Avalanche Characteristics of   the Polymorphic Virtual S-box for Fast Key Exchange Protocol, the Education   Department of Henan Province Science and Technology Research Project (12B520069).

nStudy on Late-model Key Exchange Protocol   Based on Polymorphic Cipher, the Doctor Fund of Zhengzhou University of Light   Industry (2010BSJJ005).

Honors and   Awards:

He wonthesecond prize scientific and technical achievements of the Education   Department Henan province in 2014.


He was honored   as Expert Member of Henan Smart City Planning and Construction Committee in   2014. He was invited to to serve as reviewers   for journals of Information Sciences,   Journal of Systems and Software, IET Communications, Cryptography and Communications -   Discrete Structures. He currently holds the expert of China Torch   Program alternative technology expert’s database, Member of ACM, CCF and   Chinese Association for Cryptologic Research.

Academic   Activities:

2014.02-2014.07,   he has been to Edinburgh Napier University   in the UK   for academic exchange program.

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