
Huang Tianhong

Updated:: 2024-12-31  Clicks: 10  

Huang Tianhong



Research Field and Interests

Modern Chinese History, Chinese Communist Party History, and Modernization Theory


In 2011, graduated from the History School of Zhengzhou University with a Doctoral degree in Modern Chinese History

In 2002, graduated from the History School of Zhengzhou University with a Master's degree in Specialized History

Teaching Courses

Modern Chinese History, Chinese Communist Party History, and Modernization Theory


In recent years, published 12 academic papers in journals such as "Zhongzhou Xuekan," "Henan Social Sciences," "Zhengzhou University Journal," "Shanxi University Journal," and "Shanxi Archives," including 7 in core journals, 5 in CSSCI journals, and 1 reprinted in "Higher EdIn recent years, published 12 academic papers in journals such as "Zhongzhou Xuekan," "Henan Social Sciences," "Zhengzhou University Journal," "Shanxi University Journal," and "Shanxi Archives," including 7 in core journals, 5 in CSSCI journals, and 1 reprinted in "Higher Education Text Science and Technology Abstracts." Authored 1 academic monograph and co-authored 1. Led 4 provincial-level and 3 department-level projects; participated in and completed 1 national social science fund project, 2 provincial-level, and 3 department-level projects.ucation Text Science and Technology Abstracts." Authored 1 academic monograph and co-authored 1. Led 4 provincial-level and 3 department-level projects; participated in and completed 1 national social science fund project, 2 provincial-level, and 3 department-level projects.


[1] Awarded the Second Prize in Henan Province's Social Science Excellent Achievements in 2019;

[2] Named a Teaching Mentor by Zhengzhou University of Technology in 2020;

[3] Evaluated as an Excellent Teacher by Zhengzhou University of Technology in 2016;

[4] Selected as an Excellent Party Worker of Zhengzhou University of Technology in 2015;

[5] Awarded a Nominal Prize in the Henan Province's Thought Political Theory Teaching Competition in 2014;

[6] Awarded the First Prize in the Henan Province's Education System Teaching Skills Competition in 2012 (and granted the "Henan Province Teaching Title" honor).

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