
Binbin Zhao

Updated:: 2024-12-03  Clicks: 13  

Binbin Zhao


ADDRESSMechanical and Electrical   Engineering Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry


Research Field and Interests

High performance assembly, connection structure dynamics


2017.9-2023.09 Dalian University of Technology  School of mechanical EngineeringPHD degree

2013.9-2017.6   Zhengzhou University of Light Industry   College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (bachelor)

Teaching Courses:

Mechanical Engineering Testing Technique


[1] Binbin Zhao, Fayong Wu, Kepeng Sun, Xiaokai Mu, Yuanliang Zhang, Qingchao Sun*. Study on tangential stiffness nonlinear softening of bolted joint in friction-sliding process. Tribology International, 2021, 156:106856. IF=5.62 (SCI)

[2] Binbin Zhao, Qingchao Sun*, Yang Yang, Kepeng Sun, Zhaohui Liu. Study on interface non-uniform slip of combined rotor considering real preload distribution. Tribology International, 2022, 169:107482. IF=5.62 (SCI)

[3] Binbin Zhao, Qingchao Sun*, Rongxuan Zhao, Yang Yang, Sun Kepeng, Mu xiaokai. Mass-eccentricity nonlinear evolution mechanism of combined rotor in fretting slip process. Tribology International, (Accept) IF=5.62 (SCI)

[4] Sun Qingchao, Zhao Binbin, Liu Xin, Mu Xiaokai, Zhang Yuanliang*. Assembling deviation estimation based on the real mating status of assembly. Computer-Aided Design, 2019, 115. IF=3.652 (SCI)

[5] Binbin Zhao, Yunlong Wang, Qingchao Sun*, Yuanliang Zhang, Xiao Liang, Xuewei Liu. Monomer Model: An integrated characterization method of geometrical deviations for assembly accuracy analysis. Assembly Automation. 2021, 41 (4): 514-523. IF=1.667 (SCI)

[6] Tao Li, Dongjian Yang, Binbin Zhao, Qingchao. Sun*, Wei. Sun. Measured and investigated nonlinear dynamics parameters on bolted flange joints of combined rotor. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology. 2021, 35(5):1841-1850. IF=1.649 (SCI)


Henan Provincial Science and Technology Research Project (24210222023)

Professional Affiliations:

Member of the Digital Twin Professional Committee

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