
Xin Li

Updated:: 2024-12-03  Clicks: 11  

Xin Li


ADDRESSMechanical and Electrical   Engineering Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry


Research Field and Interests

Evolution mechanism of material organization and properties, digital twin, optimization of material organization and properties based on machine learning


2018.9-2023.11 Northeastern University  Majored in Material processing engineeringPHD degree

2016.9- 2018.6  Northeastern University  Majored in Material processing engineeringMaster degree

2010.9-2014.7   Henan University of Science and Technology   Majored in Material forming and control engineering (bachelor degree)

Teaching Courses:Theoretical Mechanics


[1] Li   Xin, Jiang Qi-ming, Zhou Xiao-guang, Wu Si-wei, Cao Guang-ming, Liu Zhen-yu. Machine learning   interphase precipitation behavior of Ti micro-alloyed steel guided by   physical metallurgy principle [J]. Journal   of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25: 2641-2653. (SCI)

[2] Li Xin, Gao Fei, Jiao Jun-hong, Cao   Guang-ming, Wang Yong, Liu Zhen-yu. Influences of cooling rates on delta   ferrite of nuclear power 316H austenitic stainless steel [J]. Materials   Characterization, 2021, 174:111029. (SCI)

[3] Li Xin, Zhou   Xiao-guang, Cao Guang-ming, Xu Shao-hua, Wang Yong, Liu Zhen-yu.   Machine learning hot deformation behavior of Nb micro-alloyed steels and its   extrapolation to dynamic recrystallization kinetics [J]. Metallurgical and   Materials Transactions A, 2021, 52:3171-3181. (SCI)

[4] Li Xin,   Jiang Qi-ming, Zhou Xiao-guang, Cao Guang-ming, Wang Guo-dong, Liu Zhen-yu. Machine learning complex interactions   among recovery, precipitation, and recrystallization for Nb micro-alloyed   steels [J]. Metals and Materials   International, 2023, 30: 167-181. (SCI)

[5] Li Xin, Zhou Xiao-guang, Jiang Qi-ming, Liu Zhen-yu. The prediction of   the mechanical properties for hot rolled Nb micro-alloyed dual-phase steel   based on microstructure characteristics [J]. JOM, 2023, 75(7): 2225-2234. (SCI)

[6] Li Xin,   Jiang Qi-ming, Cui Chun-yuan, Zhou Xiao-guang, Cao Guang-ming, Liu Zhen-yu. Physical metallurgy guided machine   learning for strain-induced precipitation of Nb (C, N) based on the   orthogonalized small data [J]. Steel Research International,2023, 94: 2200722.(SCI)

[7] Li Xin, Jiang Qi-ming, Zhou Xiao-guang, Wu Si-wei, Cao Guang-ming, Liu   Zhen-yu. Modelling the double-pass flow curve of Nb micro-alloyed   steel by machine learning and its extrapolation to static softening kinetics   [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering   and Performance,2024, 33: 3669–3679. (SCI)

[8] Zhou   Xiao-guang, Li Xin, Zeng   Cai-you, Wu Si-wei, Liu Zhen-yu. Austenite grain growth and its equation in   the austenitizing process for 700MPa grade high strength steel [J].   Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2023, 76: 3115–3125. (SCI)

[9] Li Xin, Zhou Xiao-guang, Liu   Zhen-yu. Machine learning strain-induced precipitation behavior of   Nb(C,N) [C]. The 6th International Conference on ThermoMechanical Processing   (TMP), 2022.9, Shenyang, China. (EI)


[1] Science and Technology Research Project of He Nan Province242102230069

[2] The Zhengzhou University of Light Industry Doctoral Research Initiation Fund(2024BSJJ003).

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