
Feng YuXue

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Feng YuXue

Professor, Master's Supervisor, Adjunct Professor and PhD Supervisor

ADDRESS:No.5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, China


Research Field and Interests

Industrial product design and development, indoor and outdoor environmental art design, exhibition art design, public art design, etc.

Education Background:

1990.09 to 1992.06 Graduated from Zhengzhou University of Light Industry majoring in industrial modeling;

1995.09 to 1997.06 Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry;

2007.02 to 2007.07 Visiting Scholar at Napier University, majoring in Industrial Design.

Courses Taught:

Teaching graduate students "Architecture and Space" and undergraduates "Fundamentals of Product Design" and "Thematic Design".


Scientific research projects: Henan Provincial Science and Technology Tackling Project "Research on Personalized Intelligent Product Design Methods", analysis of the status quo and innovative thinking of urban environmental protection, research on the development trend of the convention and exhibition industry in the process of urbanization, research on the issue of enhancing the innovation ability of art and design majors in colleges and universities, etc.; completion of the transformation of major design achievements project Real-time Interactive Distance Education and Training System"; Zhengzhou Social Science Federation Project "Research on the Construction of Online Venue for Public Health Emergency Science Education"; Henan Provincial Education Planning Project "Public Elective Courses of Art in Colleges of Higher Education under the Background of Quality Education Construction". Research on Curriculum Design of Publicly Selected Art Courses in Higher Education Institutions", and so on.

Horizontal projects: exhibition hall exhibition project of Henan Provincial Integrity Culture Education Center, exhibition project of Agricultural Bank of China Henan Branch History Museum, design and production of "Wisdom Crystal" cultural theme sculpture of Henan Academy of Sciences, etc. More than 20 projects.

Other service projects: painting design of the airplane of Henan, design of the medal of Henan Provincial Outstanding Contribution to Science and Technology Award, design of the 7th National Intangible Cultural Heritage Exposition in Henan, and so on.


[1]China's twenty-first century college and university art textbook Design Sketch, published by Weapon Industry Press;

[2] Composition Design


Impacis of tourism development and tourist activities on environment in scenic ecotourism spotsApplied ecology and environmental research172019.9.

The Expression and Use of Color's Symbolic Meaning in Film”

The beauty of form and mood in traditional Chinese painting”

"Spatial Aesthetic Characteristics of Movie Scenes,"

Analyze the virtual reality display design and its application”

Research on the application of digital technology in display design”More than 20 articles, etc.


[1]Side-taking business card holder utility model patent, State Intellectual Property Office, utility model patent, Patent No. ZL 2011 2 0030253.5.

[2] Corner-taking business card holder utility model patent, 2011.10 State Intellectual Property Office, utility model patent, Patent No.ZL 2011 2 0030272.8.


Research on the Design and Promotion Strategy of Red Cultural Products of Red Flag Quarantine Spirit in the Context of Rural Revitalization Strategy


[1] Research on Visual Communication Informatization Design of Industrial Products, 2011.03 Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress, China Light Industry Federation (2010-J-3-94).

[2] "Advocating Integrity and Nurturing Pillars of the Motherland" Integrity Thematic Exhibition Project, 2018.12 Higher Education Working Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee, Department of Education of Henan Province, First Prize, Document No.: Teaching Civics and Politics [2018] No. 1001.

[3] Research on Industrial Talent Cultivation Mode Based on Multidisciplinary Cross-Innovation Platform, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Teaching Reform Project, Grand Prize, December 2020, Certificate No. jxcg [2020] 05.

[4]Leader of the First "Huang Dainian Teaching Team" in Henan Province Education System.

[5] Excellent Instructor Award of "Micro-video and Poster Design Competition of Laboratory Safety Culture Awareness Month in Henan Province".

Professional Affiliations:

He is an expert in the assessment of "Teacher Qualification Certification in Henan Province", an expert in the marking of the Unified Examination for Art Admission in Henan Province, an expert in the assessment of "National Integrity Public Service Advertisement Selection" by the Discipline Inspection Commission of Henan Province of the Communist Party of China, a director of the Education Committee of the China Industrial Design Association, a member of the Specialized Committee of the Henan Province Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Nationalist People's Congress of China, and an expert of the "National Evaluation and Monitoring Expert of Postgraduate Education" of the Ministry of Education of the PRC.

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