
Zhang Lijuan

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Zhang Lijuan

Associate Professor,Master's Supervisor

ADDRESS:No.5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, China


Research Field and Interests

Research on Modern Ceramic Art Creation, Theory and Practice of Ceramic Art

Education Background:

[1]Jingdezhen Ceramic College,ceramic art,Bachelor's degree

[2]Jingdezhen Ceramic College,Sculpture and Ceramics,Master's degree

[3]From July 2009 to present, Professor, School of Art and Design, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

Courses Taught:

Contemporary handicraft creation practice, Technology and Modeling Research, Life ceramics, Decorative pottery artetc.



Published 3 monographs: "Research on Jun Porcelain Aesthetics and Innovative Design", "Ceramic Art Design and Appreciation from a Cultural Perspective", and co-edited 6 books: "Research on Contemporary Art and Design Education", "Ru Kiln", "Ceramic Design", etc.


Published over 20 academic papers, including 1 SCI and 7 core journals.


In September 2020, "a sculpture clay preparation device for arts and crafts" was granted a national invention patent. Participated in one national invention patent and four utility patents.


[1]In 2021, Henan Province Science and Technology Research Project: "Design and Simulation of Jun Porcelain Glaze Technology Based on Artificial Intelligence"

[2]In 2020, the Henan Province Youth Backbone Teacher Talent Training Project: "Research and Practice on the Cultivation Model of Ceramic Design Talents under the Concept of Discipline Collection"


"The research and application of Jun porcelain new products that integrate material technology and design art" won the second prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the China Light Industry Federation;

The first prize of the Henan Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award was awarded for"Research and Practice on the Cultivation Model of Ceramic Design Talents under the Concept of Discipline Collection".

Professional Affiliations:

Member of the Female Ceramic Artists Association of the China Ceramic Association, Member of the Henan Artists Association, Member of the Henan Ceramic Glass Industry Association Management Association, Expert Committee Member of the Environmental Art and Ceramic Industry Development Expert Committee of the People's Government of Yuzhou City, Art Advisor of the Jun Porcelain Art Youth Development Committee of the Henan Ceramic Glass Industry Management Association, and Member of the THE NEW BLUE Project of the Offenbach Design Institute in Germany in 2019, Jingdezhen Hutian Porcelain Society Ceramic Art Advisor, member of the Cultural and Creative Professional Committee of Zhengzhou Intellectual Property Association.

Academic Activities:

Attended the Sino Italian Technology Collaborative Innovation Online Conference and gave a speech "Accidental Nature —— On the Language Features of Modern Ceramic Art".

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