
Liu Lei

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Liu Lei

Associate Professor, PhD Supervisor

ADDRESSNo. 5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China


Research Field and Interests

Landscape Architecture Heritage Conservation, Landscape Architecture Heritage Conservation, Traditional Village Conservation and Development

Education Background:

[1]2000/09-2004/06, Three Gorges University, College of Art and Design, Bachelor's Degree

[2]2006/09-2008/06, Nanjing Forestry University, College of Wood Industry, M.S., Supervisor: Zhang Qingping

[3]2013/09-2016/06, Nanjing Forestry University, College of Landscape Architecture, PhD, Supervisor: Qingping Zhang

[4]2004/07-2006/08, Yangzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College, Department of Environmental Art and Design, College of Architecture and Engineering, Assistant Professor

[5]2008/07-2013/08, Zhengzhou University, Westasia International College, School of Art and Design, Department of Environmental Art and Design, Lecturer

[6]2016/07-present, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, College of Art and Design, Department of Environmental Art and Design, Associate Professor/Lecturer

Courses Taught:

Landscape Design, Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Integrated Design A (Space and Environment, Green Design).



[1]Liu LeiZhang Qingping *.Comparison of Landscape Texturebetween Slate Rock Dwellings and Wu Ya Stone Village in Linzhou,Henan Province, China2015292):142-146.

[2]Liu LeiZhang Qingpin*.Landscape Texture Bridging in TraditionalHistorical and Cultural Towns--The Case of Listening to the Old Streetand Baiyitang Street in Shenzhen Town[J].Areal Research andDevelopment2015346):76-81.

[3]LIU LeiProtection and Development Strategy of Traditional VillageBased on Prototype Identification:A Case Study of West River DawanVillage in Xin Town in South of Henan Area[J].Modern Urban Research20179):48-54+84.

[4]LIU Lei.Context Identification, Extraction and Application ofTraditional Villages——Take Central Plains Area As AnExample[J]World Regional Studies2018274):167-176.

[5]LIU Lei.Prototype Identification for Traditional Villages LandscapeTexture and Application: Take West River Dawan Village of XinxianCounty,Henan Province as An Example[J].Areal Research andDevelopment2018372):163-166.

[6] LIU Lei.Analysis and Restoration of Traditional Villages and TownsBased on “Cluster—Group” Connection—— Take Jingzi Guan Town asAn Example[J].World Regional Studies2018285):164-172.

[7] LIU Lei.Analysis and Restoration of Traditional Villages andTownships Based on "Cluster-Group" Linkage--Taking Li Dukou Villageas an Example[J].Chinese Landscape Architecture2018345):28-32.

[8] Liu LeiZhang Qingpin*.China's Biodiversity Faces SeriousChallenges - Interpreting the Earth Vitality Report – China2015[J].Ecological Economy2016324):6-9.

[9] Liu LKong LFeng Y X*Qin D DMao N.Impacts of TourismDevelopment and Tourist Activities on Environment in ScenicEcotourism Spots[J].Applied Ecology and Environmental Research201917):9347-9355.

[10] Liu LeiZhang Qian*Wang ChenLiZhang KeZhangXin.Comprehensive Eco-environmental Impact Assessment of UrbanPlanning Based on Pressure-State-Response Model[J].Applied Ecologyand Environmental Research2019176):14455-14463.

[11] Liu YiLiu LeiLu Shuang*Zhang QianEcological LandscapeResource Management and Sustainable Development of TraditionalVillages[J].Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology2022 22):1938-1949.

[12] Zhang QianLiu YiLiu Lei*Lu ShuangFeng YuXueYu XiaoLocation Identification and Personalized Recommendation of TouristAttractions Based on Image Processing[J].Traitement du Signal2022 38):197-205.

[13] Zhang QianLiu YiLiu Lei*Lu ShuangZhang JingStrategyAnalysis For the Interaction Between Tourism Development and LocalEco-environment In Traditional Villages[J].Journal of EnvironmentalProtection and Ecology202121,2279-2289.

[14] Zhang QianLu ShuangLiu Lei*Liu YiZhang JingShiDaoYuanColor Enhancement of Low Illumination Garden LandscapeImages[J].Traitement du Signal202138),1747-1754.

[15] HuangFu YanRuLiu Lei*Rural construction method based on theconcept of ecological environment protection[J].Journal ofEnvironmental Protection and Ecology202122):1961-1971.

[16] Liu, LeiLiu, YuShenLi, WanLingGuo, XuHan*SpatialTemporalChanges of Ecological Efficiency of Cultural Tourism in TraditionalVillages and Its Measurement and Analysis[J].Journal ofEnvironmental Protection and Ecology20225):1874-1883.

[17] Liu YiZhang QianLu Shuang*Liu LeiZhang JingMa ShuaiEmotional Analysis and Annotation of Tourism Landscape ImagesBased on Tourist Experience[J].Traitement du Signal20224),247-253.


[1] A silt removal device for landscape gardening (201721570235.X), utility model patent, inventor (Xie Yuzhe, Liu Lei, Zhang Wenjun).

[2]A new type of multifunctional garden pruner (ZL201820296708.X), utility model patent, inventor (Xie Yü Nephew, Liu Lei, Zhang Wenjun, Men Shuangshuang).

[3] A kind of garden landscape solar lighting equipment that can exterminate insects (ZL201920281591.2), utility model patent, inventor (Liu Lei, Zhang Ke, Zhang Xin).

[4]A kind of popularized garbage sorting box (ZL202022432152.2), utility model patent, inventor (Zheng Zhuyu, Shao Shuaisheng, Guo Xuhan, Liu Lei).

[5]A plant pruning device (ZL 2023 2 0262492.6), utility model patent, inventors (Liu Yuxin; Li Wanling; Shen Xinman; Du Luyu; Liu Lei).

[6]A kind of water-saving irrigation nozzle (ZL202320349250.0), utilitymodel patent, inventor (Li Wanling; Liu Yu-ling; Du Luyu; ShenXinman; Liu Lei).

Projects in progress:

[1]Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project of Henan Province in2021: Research on the Protection of Landscape Characteristics of Traditional Villages in Henan Province, (2021BYS048) 2021/09-2024/09, hosted, self-financed, under research.

[2]2020 Henan Provincial Science and Technology Department Key R&D and Promotion (Soft Science) Special Project: Research on Color Identification System and Planning Pathway of Traditional Villages Landscape in the Central Plains under the Background of Rural Revitalization, (212400410381), 2021/11-2022/11, Participation (5/7), Funding (20,000), Under Research.

[3]2023 Zhengzhou Social Science Research Project: Research on Low-Carbon Renewal Strategies for Zhengzhou Rural Habitat, 2023/03---, participation (2/6), self-financing, under research.


[1] The work "Tanhuazhuang Village Tourism Folk Custom Design"won the second prize in the first Imprint Village Creative Design Competition.

[2] The work "Research on the Selection and Development Design of Rural Landscape Resources under the Linkage of Regional Tourismwon the provincial third prize in the professional group of the Excellent Works Exhibition of Teachers and Students in Design Disciplines of Chinese Universities during Milan Design Week.

[3] The work “Returning to the sweet wild fields and the good life of berries”won the provincial third prize in the teaching group of the outstanding works exhibition of teachers and students in the design discipline of Chinese universities during Milan Design Week.

[4] The work “Reflection on the Horizontal Water” won the provincial third prize in the teaching group of the Excellent Works Exhibition of Teachers and Students in Design Disciplines of Chinese Universities during Milan Design Week.

Academic Activities:

[1] Participated in the project of "2019 National Art Fund "Beautiful Countryside Construction Innovative Talent Training" (2019.7.1-2019.8.31).

[2] Participate in the lecture series of "Yellow River Civilization Lecture Hall" of Henan Provincial Department of Education.

[3] In October 2019, lead the team to successfully organize an academic forum on "Environmental Protection and Development of Traditional Habitat in the Central Plains".

[4]In April 2023, led the team to successfully hold the academic forum of "Academic Symposium on Rural Revitalization in the Central Plains and Design Works Exhibition" in Maopu Village, Zhouhe Township, Xin County, Xinyang City, Henan Province.

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