
Jia Qi

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Jia Qi

Associate Professor, Master's Degree Tutor

ADDRESSNO.5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, China


Research Field and Interests

Mainly engaged in the research of landscape ecological restoration in urban and rural land space, especially the application and practice of big data analysis based on GIS and RS.

Education Background:

[1] 2011.09 to 2015.06, Tianjin University, Urban Planning and Design, PhD.

[2] 2007.09 to 2010.07, Yanbian University, Human Geography, Master's Degree.

[3] 2003.09 to 2007.07, Henan Normal University, Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Management.

Courses Taught:

Professional Design C (Landscape Ecological Design), Environmental Design Theory B (GIS Ecological Design Methodology), Characteristic Building Mapping, Tourism Planning.


[1]JiaQi,Spatial function identification and pattern evolution of “production-living-ecology”in fast-going urbanization areas—a sampling case study of Xinzheng City,Henan[J].Journal of Safety and Environment,2020,20(4): 1588-1595. CSCDPeking University core

[2]JiaQi.Evolution Characteristics of Ecosystem Service Value in Xingyang City in Recent 30 Years under the Influence of LUCC[J].Safety and Environmental Engineering,2020,27(6): 95-103. CSCD, Peking University core

[3]JiaQi.1Evolution of Land Use and its Response of Ecosystem Service Value in Gongyi City of He’nan Province[J].Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,2020. 12(6):249-258. CSCD,Peking University core

[4]JiaQi,Yan HongYu.Open Studio System Teaching Mode and Creative Practice for Design Majors--Taking Zhengzhou University of Light Industry as an Example[J].Art Education Research,2021(22): 106-108.

[5]JiaQi.Pattern evolution and eco-environmental effects of “production,life and ecology” space in mountainous counties:Taking Dengfeng City in western Henan Province as an example[J].Journal of China Agricultural University,2021,26 (7):191-203.CSCD, Peking University core

[6]JiaQi, Yi Zekai,Function Identification and Spatiotemporal Evolution of “Ecological-Production-Living” in Central Plains Urban Agglomeration from 1980 to 2020 The Administration and Technique of Environmental Monitoring,2023,35 (2):12-17. CSCD

[7]JiaQi,Yi Zekai,Characterization of "production-living-ecology" land use transition mapping in Zhengzhou metropolitan area[J].Ecological Science CSCD

[8]JiaQi,Zhang Chaoyu,Yi Zekai etc.Dynamic modeling of "three living things" land use and its ecosystem service value response in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration[J]. Environmental Pollution & ControlCSCD, Peking University core

[9]JiaQi,Yi Zekai,Zhang Chaoyuetc.Characteristics of "Three Lives" Functional Evolution in Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area and Its Optimization Path, 1980-2020[J].Hubei Agricultural Sciences

[10]JiaQi,Yi Zekai. Land space evolution of coastal cities and their ecosystem response based on the "three lives" function[J].Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology

[11]JiaQi,Liu YiJie,Yi Zekaietc.Research on the assessment of "three lives" function and zoning optimization of Central Plains city cluster based on two-dimensional graph theory clustering[J]Geospatial Information

[12]Huanchun HUANG, Xin DENG, Hailin YANG, Xinhui ZHOU, Qi JIA*. Spatio- Temporal Mechanism Underlying the Effect of Urban Heat Island on Cardiovascular Diseases [J]. Iran J Public Health, 2020, 49(8).1455-1466.

[13]Yi Zekai,Tan LiFeng,JiaQi*.Land use change and its ecosystem service value response in mountainous counties--Taking Song County as an example[J].Science Technology and Engineering,2020,20 (35):14743-14751. Peking University core

[14]Yi Zekai,Tan LiFeng,JiaQi*.Land Use Transformation Based on Ecological-Production-Living Spaces in Zhengzhou City and Its Ecological Effects[J]. Yellow River,2022, 44(7):93-98+104. Peking University core


[1] A new type of land use change monitoring device, 2021-11-12, China, ZL 202121202351.2

[2] A management device for assessment and early warning information of land space planning, 2022-4-26, China, ZL 202122872637.8

[3] A mapping device which is easy to disassemble, 2022-04-15, China, ZL 202122865807.x

[4] Urban planning big data analysis platform, 2121SR1828535, Original acquisition, All rights reserved, 2021-8-7

[5] Urban planning land carrying capacity analysis system, 2021SR1828509, Original acquisition, All rights reserved, 2021-8-7


Huang Huanchun, Jia Qi et al. Tutorial on the application of GIS technology for territorial spatial planning [M]. Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2021.


[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China, 52008380, Simulation of spatial evolution and classification control of "three lives" in metropolitan area based on multi-source data and artificial intelligence, 2021/01-2023/12, RMB 240,000, under research, presided over.

[2] Cultivation Fund for High-level Projects (Achievements) of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Research on Functional Trade-offs and Synergy Mechanisms of "Three Lives" and Integration Development Paths of the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration, 2023/10-2024/10, 25,000 RMB, under research, presided over.

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