
Zhang Rui

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Zhang Rui


ADDRESS: No.5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, China


Research Field and Interests

Cultural Resources and Cultural Industry

Education Background:

[1]2008-2012Xinyang Normal University,School of History and Culture, Cultural Industry Management, Bachelor's degree;

[2]2012-2015Central China Normal University,National Cultural Industry Research Center,Cultural Resources and Cultural Industry, Master's degree;

[3]2015-2018Central China Normal University,National Cultural Industry Research Center,Cultural Resources and Cultural Industry,Doctoral Degree.

Courses Taught:

Art History, Introduction to Art, Cultural anthropology etc..



[1] "Digitalization empowers the protection and development strategies of Central Plains cultural heritage", Dahe Network Theory Edition,2023-06-26.

[2]"Basis,Problems and Countermeasures of Industrialization of Historical and Cultural Resources in UrbanAgglomerations in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River""Theory Monthly",Issue 1, 2020;(Peking University Core).

[3]"Analysis of the Current Situation and Development Strategies of the Construction of ‘Cultural Well-off Society’ in Rural Areas of Hubei Province""Hubei Social Sciences",Issue 11, 2017(CSSCI).

[4]"The Present Situation,Problems and Solutions of Wuhan Animation Industry Development","Commentary on Cultural Industry in China",2017 Issue 2 (CSSCI).


[1]The Cultural Research Special Project of Henan Xing Cultural Engineering "Research on the Protection and Innovative Development Mechanism of Central Plains Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era", project number:20222XWH117.

[2]The 2020 Henan Province Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project "Research on the Industrialization of Cultural Resources in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration",project number:2020CYS044.

[3]The 2021 Henan Provincial Department of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Research General Project "Research on the Industrialization of Historical and Cultural Resources in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration",project number:2021-ZZJH-448.

[4]The research project of the Henan Provincial Social Science Federation in 2023 "Research on the Sustainable Development Path of Zhengzhou Shangcheng National Archaeological Site Park from the Perspective of Large Site Protection".

[5] The special project for cultural research in the 2023 Zhengzhou Xing Culture Project "Research on the Activation and Utilization of Zhengzhou Historical and Cultural Celebrity Resources in the New Media Era",project number:xwhyj2023+405.

[6]The 2023 Zhengzhou Federation of Social Sciences research project "Research on the Protection and Reuse of Zhengzhou Industrial Heritage",project number:ZSLX2023+1188.


The paper "Fundamentals, Problems, and Countermeasures for the Industrialization Development of Historical and Cultural Resources in the Urban Agglomeration of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River" won the third prize for Outstanding Research Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Henan Province's Universities in 2020,certificate number:2020-C-S1642021.10.

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