
Zhang BoWen

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Zhang BoWen

Associate Professor

ADDRESSNo.136 Ke Xue Avenue, Zhengzhou, HenanProvince, PRC


Research Field and Interests

Mainly engaged in the research of digital experience design and cross-media narrative methodology in the field of culture and art.

She is committed to the research and practice of multi-dimensional sensory communication and experience design, virtual scene construction, and digital development and transformation of cultural IP for the digital culture industry.


[1]2008.09 to 2012.07 Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Art and Design, University of Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts;

[2]2012.09 to 2014.07 Studied at Beijing Institute of Technology University, majoring in Art and Design, and received a Master of Fine Arts degree;

[3]2016.10 to 2019.08 Study in Visual Design, University of Dankook, received a PhD in Design.

Courses Taught:

Digital Thinking and Digital Technology, Virtual and Reality, GamePlanning, Interaction Design Basics, Digital and Life, Digital Design for Brands


Presided over and participated in more than 10 provincial and ministerial-level scientific research and teaching reform projects, and one special demonstration course for the integration of specialty and creativity in Henan Province; won the second prize of the teaching achievements of higher education in Henan Province, and the third prize of the excellent achievements in social sciences in Henan Province; co-edited one textbook and one book for the 14th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and one national invention patent; published more than 10 articles in domestic and foreign academic journals; won 10 awards for the design works; participated in more than 10 exhibitions; continuously won the instructor award of Future Designer-National University Digital Art Competition, and the instructor award of National Higher Education Aesthetic Teaching Achievement Exhibition. More than 10 articles have been published in academic journals at home and abroad; design works have been awarded and exhibited in 10 exhibitions; he has been awarded the Outstanding Instructor Prize of Future Designer-National College Digital Art Competition and the Outstanding Instructor Prize of National Higher Education Aesthetic Education Teaching Achievement Exhibition.


[1]2021.07 Research on Digital Art Communication and Innovation Strategy of Yellow River Culture in the Context of Digital Intelligence Era, Soft Science Project of Henan Province, Provincial Level.

[2]2022.07, Research on Multimodal Display and Digital Inheritance Strategy of Henan Party History and Culture under Spatial Narrative, Henan Province Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project, provincial level.

[3]2023.03, Virtual and Reality 1, "Specialized and Creative Integration" Characteristic Demonstration Course Project of Henan Province, provincial level.


[1]Third Prize of Excellent Achievements in Social Sciences of Henan Province;

[2]Second Prize of Henan Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievements;

[3]Third Prize of the Second National Universities Microteaching Competition;

[4] First Prize of Professional Group in the 18th "Zhongnan Star Award" Design and Art Competition.

Professional Affiliations:

[1]Member of Henan Provincial Artists Association

[2]Member of Korea Communication Design Association

[3]Operating Committee of Pusan International Art Festival

Academic Activities:

[1]2021 Academic Forum on Digital Media Art Education in the Context of New Liberal Arts.

[2]Main venue to make a report on the theme of "Integration of Arts and Sciences - Cross-border Symbiosis".

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