
Liang Shuang

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Liang Shuang

Associate Professor, Master's Degree

ADDRESSNo.136 Ke Xue Avenue, Zhengzhou, HenanProvince, PRC


Research Field and Interests:

Sustainable Design, Healthy Design

Education Background:

[1]2008-2012 Nanjing Forestry University B.S. Industrial Design

[2]2012-2015 Nanjing Forestry University Master Furniture Design and Engineering

[3]2018-2022 University of Florence, Italy Ph.D. Architecture (Design)

Courses Taught:

Design Thinking, Sustainable Design, Food Design


[1] Liang Shuang, Zhou Min, Zhou Chengmin, Zhu Jiangang, Xu Jing. Seriousness and Entertainment of the Sustainable Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Furniture & Interior Design, 2022,29 (04):50-54.

[2] Liang Shuang, Zhou Min, Zhou Chengmin, Zhu Jiangang, Francesca Tosi. Healthcare Service Models and Development in China Based on Literature Review. Packaging Engineering, 2022,43(22):408-417.

[3] Liang Shuang, Zhou Min. Cultural Empowerment and Diversified Communication: The Path to Improve the Communication Power of Traditional Cultural Programs. Journalism Lover, 2023,543(04):92-94.

[4] Liang Shuang, Zhou Min, Zhu Jiangang, Xu Jing, Zhou Chengmin. Study on the Evaluation System of Living Inheritance for Intangible Cultural Heritage Traditional Furniture Manufacturing Skills. Furniture & Interior Design, 2022,29(12):10-15.

[5] Zhou Min, Liang Shuang, Stefano Follesa, Zhu Jiangang. Study on European Digital Culture Projects. Furniture & Interior Design, 2021(11):1-4.

[6] Liang, S., Zhou, M., & Follesa S., Yao, P.A. (2022). A shared service model for the elderly based on the concept of distributed economies (DE). In: T. Ahram, R. Taiar (Eds.) Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications, Vol. 68, 323–329, AHFE International, ISSN 2771-0718, ISBN: 978-1-958651-44-5.

[7] Liang, S., Zhou, M., Yao, P.A. & Tosi,F. (2022). Smart healthcare service system for elderly based on AIoMT. In: T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, P. Di Bucchianico, R. Taiar, L. Casarotto and P. Costa (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, Vol 22,AHFE International, ISBN: 978-1-7923-8988-7.

[8] Zhou,M., Liang,S., Yao,P.A. & Follesa,S. (2022). New Craft Design in the Digital Age. In: T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, P. Di Bucchianico, R. Taiar, L. Casarotto and P. Costa (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, Vol 22,AHFE International, ISBN: 978-1-7923-8988-7.

[9] Zhou,M., Liang,S., Lotti, G. & Zhu.J.G. (2022).Sustainability of Craft Communities in the Cosmopolitan Localism. In: T. Ahram, R. Taiar (Eds.) Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications, Vol. 68, 722–729, AHFE International, ISBN: 978-1-958651-44-5.

[10] Wang, X.K., Liang, S., Wang, Q., & Chen, C. (2021). Fuzzy Control Strategy of Urban Rail Energy Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Latin American Applied Research, 51(2), 87-92.


[1] 2019-2020 Henan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Projects:

Research on Digitization and Sustainable Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Henan Province, Taking traditional furniture craftsmanship as an example20HNFYA35

[2] Humanities and Social Sciences Project of Henan Provincial Department of Education in 2020 Research on the Art of Pre-Qin Period in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River (2020ZZJH0870)

[3] 2020 Jiangsu Provincial International Smart Health Furniture Design and Engineering Project (20200227)

[4] Ecological Health Care International Cooperation Laboratory Project (2020004)

[5] 2021 Customized Furniture and Materials Popular Design Trend Research from Tubao Company

[6] Research on Intellectual Property Issues in Henan Arts and Crafts Industry in 2019 (20190106027)

[7] 2019 Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Plan Project (Basic Research Plan), Research on Interface Regulation and Ocean Environment Resistance of Infrared Low Emissivity Layer (20190951)

[8] 2017 Henan Federation of Social Sciences, Research on Landscape Texture Bridging and Cultivation Strategies of Central Plains Characteristic Towns under the Same Cultural Circle (SKL-2017-1229)

[9] 2017 National Social Science Foundation Art Project, Research on Reproduction and Sustainable Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Traditional Handicrafts (17CH220)


Scholarship from China Scholarship CouncilCSC

Social part-time:

Furniture & Interior Design, Editorial Board Member

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