
Chen Ge

Updated:: 2024-03-31  Clicks: 10  

Chen Ge

Lecturer, Master's Supervisor

ADDRESS:5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, China


Research Field and Interests:

Visual Cognition and Design Psychology, Emotional Design

Education Background:

[1]2007.9 to 2011.6Henan Normal University,Bachelor degree;

[2]2012.9 to 2017.6University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Psychology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Doctoral Degree;

[3]2015.9 to 2016.9The Ohio State University,Joint Doctoral Training.

Courses Taught:

Undergraduate students:

Service design, product user research, design psychology, academic forums, innovation research, visual psychology,design and psychological research, workshop1

Graduate students:

Design Psychology, Psychological Behavior and Design, Psychological Behavior and Space Design


MonographsResearch on Automotive Interactive Interface Design Based on Driver Visual Characteristics,Beijing University of Technology Press


[1]2023 Chen, Ge; Chen, Jingrui; Zhao,Xian; Fu, Liuwei; Zhang, Pan; Cognitive load influences Wristwatch’s legibility and purchase Preference: An eye tracking study, Displays

[2]2022 Chen, Ge; Dong, Xu; Li, Jiaxiao; Liu, Fenling; Effect of Cognitive Load on Urban Spatial Discrimination: An Eye Movement Research, Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering: Processing of the 21st International conference on MMESE

[3]2020 Wu, Di ; Zhang, Pan; Li, Chenxi;  Liu, Na; Jia,Wuli ; Chen, Ge; Ren, Weicong ; Sun, Yuqi ; Wei Xiao; Perceptual Learning at Higher Trained Cutoff Spatial Frequencies Induces Larger Visual Improvements, Frontiers in psychology

[4]2017 Zhao, Wu Xiao; Jia, Wu Li; Chen, Ge; Luo, Yan; Lin, Bo Rong; He, Qing; Lu, Zhong Lin; Li,Min; Huang, Chang Bing; A complete investigation of monocular and binocular functions in clinically treated amblyopia, Scientific Reports

PatentsA Display Device Based on Automotive Driving InteractionUtility Model


[1]Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Youth Project.

[2]Research on Visual Information Perception Characteristics of Automotive Interactive Interface under Traditional Driving Modes

[3]Henan Province University Philosophy and Social Science Research Youth Project, Research on Aging Adaptable Design Strategies for Automotive Human Machine Interface

[4]Henan Province University Humanities and Social Sciences Research Youth Project, Study on Eye Movement Perception Characteristics of Automotive Appearance Design

[5]General Project of Education Science Planning and Research in Henan Province,Research on the influencing factors and promotion strategies of academic performance of art graduate students in Henan Province

[6]Project of Young Key Teachers at Zhengzhou University of Light Industry,Research on the Impact of Visual Resource Allocation in Driving on Automotive Interactive Interface Design in the Cultivation

Academic Activities:

2021 Sino Italian Collaborative Innovation Technology Forum,Cognitive Load Affects User Preferences in Product Design,oral report

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