Research Field and Interests: Job shop scheduling, Integrated scheduling, Integrated process planning and scheduling, Intelligent optimization algorithm, Machine learning, etc. |
Publications: [1] Qi Lei, Weifei Guo, Yuchuan Song. Integrated scheduling algorithm based on an operation relationship matrix table for tree-structured products [J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(15-16):5437-5456. [2] Weifei Guo, Qi Lei, Yuchuan Song and et al. A learning interactive genetic algorithm based on edge selection encoding for assembly job shop scheduling problem [J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 159: 107455. [3] Weifei Guo, Qi Lei, Yuchuan Song and et al. Integrated scheduling algorithm of complex product with no-wait constraint based on virtual component [J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 56(04):246-257 (in Chinese). [4] Weifei Guo, Yuchuan Song, Fan Zhou and et al. Integrated scheduling algorithm of complex product with no-wait constraint based on reversed virtual component [J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2020, 26(12):3313-3328 (in Chinese). |