
Peng-peng Wang

Updated:: 2023-12-09  Clicks: 87  

Peng-peng Wang


ADDRESSMechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry



Research Field and Interests

Image measurement technologyMechatronics and hydraulics integration


2011.9-2020.03 Dalian University of Technology  Majored in Precision instruments and machineryPHD degree

2007.9-2011.7 North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power   Majored in Mechanical engineering and automation Bachelor degree

Teaching Courses:

Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Control, Engineering Numerical Methods, Error Theory and Data Processing


[1] Pengpeng Wang, Xiaoxia Guo, Yong Sang, Longtan Shao, Zenan Yin, Yudi Wang. Measurement of local and volume deformation in geotechnical tri-axial testing using 3D-digital image correlation and a subpixel edge detection algorithm [J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15(10): 2891-2904.

[2] Wang Peng-peng, Guo Xiao-xia, Sang Yong, Shao Long-tan, Chen Zhi-xiang, Zhao Bo-ya. Full-Field Deformation Measurement of Sand Using the Digital Image Correlation Technique and Numerical Simulation Using the Discrete Element Method [J]. Engineering Mechanics, 2020, 37(1): 239-247.

[3] Pengpeng Wang, Yong Sang, Xiaoxia Guo, Longtan Shao, Jianlong Zhao, Xiaomeng Ji. A novel optical method for measuring 3D full-field strain deformation in geotechnical tri-axial testing [J]. Measurement science and technology, 2019, 31(1):015403.

[4] Pengpeng Wang, Yong Sang, Longtan Shao, Xiaoxia Guo. Measurement of the deformation of sand in a plane strain compression experiment using incremental digital image correlation [J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14 (2):547-557

[5] Wen Tiande, Wang Pengpeng, Shao Longtan, Guo Xiaoxia. Experimental investigations of soil shrinkage characteristics and their effects on the soil water characteristic curve [J]. Engineering Geology, 2021, 284: 106035.


Zhengzhou University of Light Industry Doctoral Foundation (2020BSJJ013), Henan Provincial Science and Technology Research Project (232102220081), State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (SKLGME022005).

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