
Zhenhua Xu

Updated:: 2023-11-14  Clicks: 108  

Zhenhua Xu

Associate professorMaster Supervisor

ADDRESSNo.5 Dongfeng Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou




Research Interests

Asymptotic theoretical analysis and efficient numerical methods for high oscillatory problems

Education Background:

09/2004-07/2008  Bachelor of Mathematics, Henan Polytechnic University, China

09/2009-07/2010  Master of Science in Mathematics, Central South University, China

09/2010-06/2015  Ph.D., Mathematics, Central South University, China

Teaching Courses

Advanced mathematics, Linear algebra and space analytic geometry, Numerical analysis, Computational Methods

Representative Publications

[1] Xu Zhenhua; Lv Zhanmei; Liu Guidong; Efficient numerical methods for hypersingular finite-part integrals with highly oscillatory integrands, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2023, 433: 115316.

[2] Xu Zhenhua; Lv Zhanmei; Geng Hongrui; Efficient numerical methods for Cauchy principal value integrals with highly oscillatory integrands, Numerical Algorithms, 2022, 91: 1287-1314.

[3] Geng Hongrui; Wang Zhaoran; Xu Zhenhua; Radiation boundary conditions for numerical simulation of transmission problems in acoustics, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2022, 52 (1): 207-212.

[4] Hongchao Kang; Chunzhi Xiang; Zhenhua Xu; Hong Wang; Efficient quadrature rules for the singularly oscillatory Bessel transforms and their error analysis, Numerical Algorithms, 2021, 88: 1493–1521.

[5] Xu Zhenhua; Geng Hongrui; Fang Chunhua; Asymptotics and numerical approximation of highly oscillatory Hilbert transforms, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020, 386: 125525.

[6] Xu Zhenhua; Fang Chunhua; Geng Hongrui; Fast computation of Bessel transform with highly oscillatory integrands, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2019, 145: 121-132.

[7] Geng Hongrui; Xu Zhenhua; Coupling of boundary integral equation and finite element methods for transmission problems in acoustics, Numerical Algorithms, 2019, 82: 479–501.

[8] Zhenhua Xu; On the Numerical quadrature of weakly singular oscillatory integral and its fast implementation, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2018, 22:979-1000.

[9] Zhenhua Xu; Shuhuang Xiang; Gauss-type quadrature for the highly oscillatory integrals with algebraic singularities and applications, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2017, 94(6): 1123-1137.

[10] Xu Zhenhua; Milovanovic Gradimir V.; Efficient method for the computation of oscillatory Bessel transform and Bessel Hilbert transform, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2016, 308: 117-137.

[11] He Guo; Xiang Shuhuang; Xu Zhenhua; A Chebyshev collocation method for a class of Fredholm integral equations with highly oscillatory kernels, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2016, 300: 354-368.

[12] Xiang Shuhuang; Fang Chunhua; Xu Zhenhua; On uniform approximations to hypersingular finite-part integrals, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2016, 435: 1210-1228.

[13] Xu Zhenhua; Xiang Shuhuang; On the evaluation of highly oscillatory finite Hankel transform using special functions, Numerical Algorithms, 2016, 72: 37-56.

[14] Xu Zhenhua; Milovanovic Gradimir V.; Xiang Shuhuang; Efficient computation of highly oscillatory integrals with Hankel kernel, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 261: 312-322.


[1] 01/2017-12/2017, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11626223), Principal Investigator

[2] 01/2023-12/2024, Natural Science Foundation of Henan (Grant No. 232300420118), Principal Investigator


Youth Core Teacher of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

Professional Affiliations

AMS Mathematical Reviews; Member of Henan Mathematical Society

Academic Activities

[1] 11th National Annual Conference of Computational Mathematics2017.07.21-7.23Xi’an

[2] The 11th Henan Symposium on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations2019.05.10-05.12Luoyang

[3] 7th Workshop on Recent Advances on Spectral Methods and Related Applications2019.06.08-06.09Beijing

[4] 12th National Annual Conference of Computational Mathematics2019.07.31-08.04Harbin

[5] The 27th Symposium on Mathematics Teaching and Research in Universities in Henan Province2022.08.11-08.13Xinyang

[6] The 8th Academic Symposium on Spectral Methods and Their Applications2023.08.07-08.11

[7] The 28th Symposium on Mathematics Teaching and Research in Universities in Henan Province2023.08.13-08.15Shangqiu


Referee for: Applied   Mathematics and ComputationApplied Mathematics LettersComputational and Applied MathematicsMathematical Methods in the Applied SciencesAlexandria Engineering Journal

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