Shiguo Huang
| ShiguoHuang | Professor, Master's supervisor | ADDRESS:No.5 Dongfeng Road Zhengzhou Henan | PHONE:0371-86601857 | | Research Fields and Interests: Mathematical finance, Game theory, and Nonlinear analysis. | Education Background: 2005.09--2007.06, Master, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Probability theory and mathematical statistics. 1998.09-2002.07, Bachelor, Henan University, Mathematics Education. | Teaching Courses: Undergraduate courses: Advanced Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Introduction to Mathematical Finance. Postgraduate courses: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. | Representative Publications: [1] Huimin Li, Shuwen Xiang, Shunyou Xia, Shiguo Huang. Finding the Nash equilibria of n-person noncooperative games via solving the system of equations. AIMS Mathematics, 2023. [2] Huimin Li, Shuwen Xiang, Shiguo Huang. Wensheng Jia, Yanlong Yang. Improved differential evolution algorithm for solving multi-person noncooperative game. Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis, 2022. [3] Shiguo Huang, Xiang Ji. On the Deformation Tensor Regularity for the Navier-Stokes Equations in Lorentz Spaces. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,2021. | Funding: [1] Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Foundation), 11601492, Research on weak solutions of the incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations, 2017/01-2019/12, completed, as the second-in-charge. [2] Henan Soft Science Research Program Project, 182400410244, Investigation and Policy Selection of Talent Demand in Zhengzhou City under the Overlapping of Strategic Development Opportunities, 2018/07-2021/08, completed, as the principal investigator; [3] Key Science and Technology Research Project of the Education Department of Henan Province, 12A110025, Analysis of Asset Pricing Mathematical Model Based on Behavioral Finance, 2012/09-2013/09, completed and evaluated by the Science and Technology Department of Henan Province, as the principal investigator; [4] Henan Soft Science Research Program Project, 122400450327, Asset Pricing Model under the Influence of Irrational Psychology of Investors and the Explanation of Financial Market Phenomenon, 2011/01-2012/09, completed, as the principal investigator. | Honors: [1] First prize of Henan Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, second place, 2022. [2] First prize of Henan Provincial Textbook Construction Award, 2021. [3] Henan Provincial Teaching Master Award, 2020. |
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