
Li Jing

Updated:: 2022-09-14  Clicks: 147  

Li Jing


ADDRESSNo.5 Dongfeng Road, Zhengzhou, 450002Henan, P. R. China



Research Interests:

Shakespearean Dramas, The Performance of Shakespearean Dramas in China.

Education Background:

09/2001-07/2005  B.A., English Language and Literature, Zhengzhou University

09/2006-07/2009  M.A., English Language and Literature, Zhengzhou University

09/2016-07/2022  PhD, English Language and Literature, Peking University

09/2018-07/2019  Visiting Scholar, the University of Texas at Austin.

Courses Offered: English Literature


1. “The Performance of Shakespearean Plays from the Perspective of Huaju Sinicization.” Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (Social Science Edition) (04) 2021: 75-82.

2. “Performance History of Shakespearean Dramas in the Form of Huaju inContemporary China: from the Perspective of Cultural Poetics.” Sichuan Drama,(04)2018:14-20.

3. “Who is Lear: The Cultural Misreading of King Lear in Chinese Spoken DramaMing.” Drama literature, (03)2018:98-104.

4. “The Theme of ‘No Country for Old Men’ in Chinese and Western Dramas: The Comparison between Henan Opera Qingfengting and Shakespare’s King Lear”Home Drama (05)2013:46-47.

5. “The Endless Bang Sound: The Falling and Reviving of Henan Opera in PopularCulture.” Journal of Xinxiang University (Social Sciences Edition) (06) 2012:125-128.

6. “The Reasons and Results for Chinese Tragedy and Western Tragedy ----the Differences and Similarities between Henan Opera Yiliefeng and Shakespare’sOthello.”Journal of Tongren University (03)2012:38-42.

7. “Reflecting on Henan Opera’s One-Hundred-Year Reformations Through ItsDeepening Theme of ‘Love’.” Journal of Zhengzhou Institute ofAeronautical Industry Management (Social Science Edition) (02)2012:195-198.

8. “Chinese Sister Carrie: Reading I Want to be Rich with Space Theory.” Journal ofChifeng University (Philosophy and Social Science Chinese Edition) (01)2012:153-154.

9. “The Comparison between Chinese and Western Sister Carrie: The IndissolubleBond between I Want to be Rich and Sister Carrie.” Journal of Nanyang Instituteof Technology (01)2012: 44-46.

10. “The Insurmountable Barrier: The Gender Binary Opposition in A Streetcar Named Desire.” Journal of Chifeng University (Philosophy and Social Science Chinese Edition) (01)2012: 151-152.

11. “The Reception of Sister Carrie in China from the Perspective of Space Theory.”Literatures (08) 2011:191-192.

12. “The Comparison between the Image of Agnes in David Copperfield and the Image of Fanny in Mansfield Park.” Overseas English (12)2010: 212-214.

13. “College and Unverisities in Henan Province’s Importation of High-Quality Education Resources from Abroad: Through Sino-Foreign Cooperative EducationActivities.” Journal of Nanyang Institute of Technology (01)2014: 108-111.

14. “Exploration of the Teaching Methods of College English Listening Class.” Theory and Practice of Contemporary Education (09)2012: 73-74.

15. “College Students’ Human Accomplishment Status Analysis.” Read and WritePeriodical (09) 2011:70-71

Research Projects Completed:

1. “On the Performances of Shakespeare in the Form of Huaju in Contemporary China from the Perspective of Cultural poetics” (Principal Researcher and Team Leader), assessed and approved by the Social Science Project Sponsored by the Educational Department of Henan Province, 2016

2. “The Conflict and Fusion of Chinese and Western Performance Culture: the Combination of Shakespearean Plays and Yuju” (Principal Researcher and Team Leader), assessed and approved by the Social Science Project Sponsored by the Educational Department ofHenan Province, 2013

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