Publications: 1. Junjie Zhang, Shuo Li, Nan Wang, Tao Yang, Brigitte Brunel, Mitchell Andrews, Xuxiao Zong, Entao Wang. Rhizobium sophorae is the dominant rhizobial symbiont of Vicia faba L. In North China. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 45 (2022) 126291 2. Junjie Zhang, Yimin Shang, Jinyong Chen, Brigitte Brunel,Shanshan Peng, Shuo Li and Entao Wang. Diversity of non-Saccharomyces yeasts of grape berry surfaces from representative Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards in Henan Province, China. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 368, 2021, fnab142 3. Junjie Zhang, Shanshan Peng, Shuo Li, Jiangchun Song, Brigitte Brunel, Entao Wang, Euan K. James, Wenfeng Chen, Mitchell Andrews. Arachis hypogaea L. from Acid Soils of Nanyang (China) Is Frequently associated with Bradyrhizobium guangdongense and Occasionally with Bradyrhizobium ottawaense or Three Bradyrhizobium Genospecies. Microbial Ecology, 2021,doi:10.1007/s00248-021-01852-2 4. Zhang J, Peng S, Andrews M, Liu C, Shang Y, Li S, Wang E, Zhang X (2021) Rhizobium changzhiense sp. nov., isolated from effective nodules of Vicia sativa L. in North China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004724. 5. Junjie Zhang*, Yimin Shang, Chunzeng Liu, Brigitte Brunel, Entao Wang, Shuo Li, Shanshan Peng, Chen Guo, Wenfeng Chen. Mesorhizobium jarvisii is a dominant and widespread species symbiotically efficient on Astragalus sinicus L. in the Southwest of China. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 2020, 43(5), 126102, JCR2 6. Junjie Zhang*, Yimin Shang, Chunzeng Liu, Entao Wang, Wenfeng Chen, Shanshan Peng, Benyin Li, Chen Guo, Pei Hou, Shuo Li, Brigitte Brunel. Two distinctive Rhizobium genospecies nodulating Vicia villosa Roth in alkaline soils of Northwest China. Plant and Soil, 2020, 451(1-2):485-497, JCR1 7. Junjie Zhang*, Shanshan Peng, Yimin Shang, Brigitte Brunel, Shuo Li, Yongfeng Zhao, Yifei Liu, Wenfeng Chen, Entao Wang, Raghvendra Pratap Singh, Euan James. Genomic diversity of chickpea-nodulating rhizobia in Ningxia (north central China) and gene flow within symbiotic Mesorhizobium muleiense populations. Systematic and Applied Microbiology,2020,43(4):126089 JCR2 8. Junjie Zhang*, Yimin Shang, Shanshan Peng, Wenfeng Chen, Entao Wang, Philippe de Lajudie, Benyin Li, Chen Guo, Chunzeng Liu*. Rhizobium sophorae, Rhizobium laguerreae, and two novel Rhizobium genospecies associated with Vicia sativa L. in Northwest China. Plant and Soil, 2019,442(1-2):113-126. JCR1 9. J. Zhang*, E.T. Wang, R.P. Singh, C. Guo, Y. Shang, J. Chen* and C. Liu*. Grape berry surface bacterial microbiome: impact from the varieties and clones in the same vineyard from central China. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2019, 126(1): 204-214 JCR3 10. Junjie Zhang*, Yimin Shang, Entao Wang, Wenfeng Chen, Philippe de Lajudie, Benyin Li, Chen Guo, Xu Yang, Jianqiang Zheng, Chunzeng Liu*. Mesorhizobium jarvisii sv. astragali as predominant microsymbiont for Astragalus sinicus L. in acidic soils, Xinyang, China. Plant and Soil2018, 433:201. JCR1 11. Junjie Zhang*, Chen Guo, Wenfeng Chen, Philippe de Lajudie*, Zhiyan Zhang, Yimin Shang and En Tao Wang*. Mesorhizobium wenxiniae sp. nov., isolated from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol2018, 68(6):1930. JCR3 12. Junjie Zhang*, Chen Guo,Wenfeng Chen, Yimin Shang, Philippe de Lajudie*, Xu Yang, Peihong Mao, Jianqiang Zheng, En Tao Wang*. Dynamic succession of chickpea rhizobia over years and sampling sites in Xinjiang, China. Plant and Soil 2018, 425: 241. JCR1 13. Jun Jie Zhang*, Xiao Yan Jing, Philippe de Lajudie, Chuang Ma, Pei Xin He, Raghvendra Pratap Singh, Wen Feng Chen, En Tao Wang. Mesorhizobium muleiense and Mesorhizobium gsp. nov. are symbionts of Cicer arietinum L. in alkaline soils of Gansu, Northwest China. Plant and Soil. (2017) 410: 103. JCR1 14. Jun Jie Zhang*, Xiao Yan Jing, Philippe de Lajudie, Chuang Ma, Pei Xin He, Raghvendra Pratap Singh, Wen Feng Chen and En Tao Wang. Association of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) with rhizobia of sv. trifolii belonging to three genomic species in alkaline soils in North and East China. Plant and Soil. (2016) 407: 417. JCR1 15. Yue M, Han X, Masi LD, Zhu C, Ma X, Zhang J, Wu R, Schmieder R, Kaushik RS, Fraser GP, Zhao S, McDermott PF, Weill FX, Mainil JG, Arze C, Fricke WF, Edwards RA, Brisson D, Zhang NR, Rankin SC, Schifferli DM*.Allelic variation contributes to bacterial host specificity. Nat Commun 6:8754,2015 JCR1 16. Junjie Zhang, Leon De Masi, Beena John, Wenxin Chen and Dieter M Schifferli*.Improved delivery of the OVA-CD4 peptide to T helper cells by polymeric surface display on Salmonella. Microbial Cell Factories 2014, 13:80. JCR1 17. Jun Jie Zhang, Tao Yu, Kai Lou, Pei Hong Mao, En Tao Wang, Wen Feng Chen*. Genotypic alteration and competitive nodulation of Mesorhizobium muleiense against exotic chickpea rhizobia in alkaline soils. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 37(7):520-4, 2014 JCR3 18. Zheng WT, Li Y Jr, Wang R, Sui XH*, Zhang XX, Zhang JJ, Chen WX. Mesorhizobium qingshengii sp. nov., isolated from effective nodules of Astragalus sinicus grown in the Southeast of China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 63(Pt 6):2002-7, 2013 JCR4 19. Zhang, J. J., Lou, K., Jin, X., Mao, P. H., Wang, E. T., Tian, C. F., Sui, X. H., Chen, W. F.* & Chen, W. X. Distinctive Mesorhizobium populations associated with Cicer arietinum L. in alkaline soils of Xinjiang, China. Plant and Soil 353, 123-134, 2012 JCR1 20.Zhang JJ, Liu TY, Chen WF*, Wang ET, Sui XH, Zhang XX, Li Y, Li Y, Chen WX. Mesorhizobium muleiense sp. nov., nodulating with Cicer arietinum L. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 62(Pt 11):2737-42, 2012 JCR4 |