
Hai Changhui

Updated:: 2022-04-12  Clicks: 157  

Hai Changhui


ADDRESSNo.5 Dongfeng Road, Zhengzhou, 450002Henan, P. R. China





Research Interests

Diplomatic discourseLanguage Policy

Education Background

Sept., 1999—July, 2003: Undergraduate, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University, BA in Chinese Language and Literature

Sept., 2004-July, 2007: Undergraduate, Chinese Language & Culture College, Beijing Normal University, MA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

July. 2007 up to now: Teaching at Zhengzhou University of Light Industry

Sept., 2013-July, 2019: Undergraduate, Chinese Language & Culture College, Beijing Normal University, DA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Courses Offered

Modern Chinese; An Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language; the Teaching Methodology of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language


1.Views on the localization of the Chinese teaching overseas based on the regionalism of the form address ayi”, China social sciences press(Beijing:2016)

2.Views on the localization of the international Chinese teaching materials based on the analysis of the synonyms of personal names in Chinese-speech communities”, Dixie W Publishing Corporation(Alabama:2017)

3.Current Situation Researches and Thinking on the Localization of Vocabulary in Overseas Chinese Textbooks”, Overseas Chinese Education,2017, Issue 5.

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