
Energy & Environmental Science Publishes the Latest Scientific Research Achievements of Postgraduates from ZZULI

Updated:: 2021-07-02  Clicks: 137  

Recently, with ZZULI as the author affiliation, the Polybasic Molecule Based Surface & Interface Chemistry Research Team in College of Material and Chemical Engineering published a research paper titled “Small Molecule-based Supramolecular - Polymer Double-Network Hydrogel Electrolytes for Ultra-Stretchable and Waterproof Zn-air Batteries Working from -50 to 100°C” (article link: https://doi.org/10.1039/D1EE01134K) in Energy & Environmental Science (impact factor: 38.532), a flagship journal of Royal Society of Chemistry and an international top academic journal in the field of energy materials. The paper was selected as the cover article by the journal. Prof. Liu Chunsen, Distinguished Professor of Henan Province, is the first corresponding author of the paper; Gu Chaonan and Xie Xiaoqiao, postgraduates of College of Material and Chemical Engineering, are co-first authors.

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