
Hongwei Wang

Updated:: 2023-12-10  Clicks: 203  

Hongwei Wang


ADDRESSMechanical and Electrical   Engineering Institute, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry



Research Field and Interests

Computer aided manufacturing , vehicle dynamics


1994.9-1998.02  China Agriculture University  Majored in Mechanical engineeringPHD degree

1991.9-1994.6  Taiyuan heavy mechanical engineering institute in Mechanical engineeringMaster degree

1984.9-1988.7   Institute of Luoyang poly-technology   Majored in vehicle design  (Bachelor)

Teaching Courses:

Finite element method, material mechanics, Structure of automobile Clasicaol mechanics engineering mechanics


[1] Hongwei, Wang, engineering mechanics [M], Henan science and technology press, 2012.

[2] Hongwei, Wang, Guoli Han, Study of poisson ration variation law under finite element theory [J]. Journal of Nanjing science and technology university, 2007.02. (EI)

[3] Hongwei, Wang, Wenbin Huang, Simulation of steering joint forging process based on finite deformation [J]. Journal of plasticity engineering, 2007.05. (EI)

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