Invited by HAN GWANG-SUP, the consul-general of ROK Consulate General in Wuhan, President Shi Hengzhen and vice President Zhao Jihong attended the Korean National Day Reception on Oct, 23 2013. Directors of I.C.E.D. and Korean teacher of Foreign Language School of ZZULI also attended the reception.
On behalf of ZZULI, President Shi Hengzhen extended his National Day congratulations and thanked Mr. HAN GWANG-SUP for his great support in the cooperation between ZZULI and Korean universities for a long time.
Consul general HAN GWANG-SUP highly evaluated our university’s achievements in education and culture exchange between China and Korea, and would continue to support the cooperation projects between ZZULI and Korean universities in the future. Consul general HAN GWANG-SUP expressed gratitude to the success of 2013 Central China Korean Contest (Zhengzhou preliminary contest), and wished ZZULI could continue to support the contest in the future, as one of the bridges to strengthen cultural communication between China and ROK.