
The Delegation of the Royal Agricultural University visited our school

Updated:: 2013-07-13  Clicks: 185  


Recently, Vice President of the British Royal Agricultural University (RAC), Paul Davis, and the other five members visited us for school exchanges. Party Secretary Zhang Shengli and Vice President Zhao Jihong met them and had a friendly exchange. The heads of International Cooperation and Exchange Department, Food and Biological Engineering, College of Economics and Management, and other relevant units and some academic leaders attended the meeting.


During the talks, the two sides briefed each other on their respective school's basic situation and cooperation projects of common interest were carefully discussed . The two sides also discussed exchanged undergraduate student project, joint training of graduate students, MBA joint training and other specific matters and reached a preliminary consensus. .


After the meeting, Paul • Davis, Vice President and his entourage also visited laboratories of the College of Food and Biological Engineering school.

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