
Professor Jack Worden visited ZZULI on May 5th

Updated:: 2012-07-27  Clicks: 396  












President Ju Yiwen exchanges gifts with Mr.Jack Worden











Vice president Zhao Jihong talks with Mr.Jack Worden

A delegation from Edinburgh Napier University paid a brief visit to ZZULI on May 5th. Headed by Professor Jack Worden, Dean of International College, the delegation also includes Mr. Yao Hanbin, Director of China Office, and Ms. Ellen Cui from the International Office.


Vice President Zhao Jihong had a meeting with the visitors in International Education College and reached agreement on some issues related to the current collaborative programmes such as staff and student exchange, teaching input etc. They also explored further development of collaborative areas like summer/winter camp and potential joint college.


President Ju Yiwen invited the visitors for lunch and expressed warm welcome on behalf of ZZULI. President Ju conveyed his approval and support to what the two parties had previously agreed and encouraged expansion and exploration of more collaborative areas. He hoped that through regular mutual visits, the partnership between Napier and ZZULI will be further enhanced and strengthened.


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