The 4th annual conference of APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education) was held by Renmin University of China from April 15-17. ZZULI’s president Ju Yiwen was invited to participate the meeting.
The theme of this conference is “Asia-Pacific Higher Education under International Economic Crisis: Developing Leadership and Enhancing Harmony”. President Ju Yiwen attended the presidents’ roundtable and discussed the impact of the global financial crisis on higher education with the presidents from other universities.
President Ju held friendly talks with Ji Baocheng, the president of Renmin University of China and Geo Suk Suh, the president of Chonbuk National University.
APAIE was established in March 2006 at Korea University by a Founding Committee consisting of university representatives from thirteen countries/regions in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Korea University, Waseda University, National University of Singapore, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Auckland, Renmin University of China and so on. APAIE is an intercollegiate international non-government organization whose goal is to activate and reinforce the internationalization of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region, to improve the level of regional higher education institutes’ international programs, activities and exchanges, and to promote the harmonious improvement of Asia-Pacific Region. It has now more than 280 members, and is developing to be a third largest regional international educational association after the Association of International Educators (NAFSA) and the Europe Association for International Education (EAIE).
Mr. Ju (President of ZZULI) and Mr. Ji Baocheng (President of RUC)
Mr. Ju and Mr.Geo Suk Suh (president of Chonbuk National University)