
Fourth Teaching Session Held

Updated:: 2012-04-19  Clicks: 217  

The fourth teaching session has been held on the 19th and 20th of March. 17 delegations and 454 representatives of ZZULI attended the meeting.

Gong Yi, vice president of ZZULI, presided over the meeting and Chen Jiangfeng, another vice president of ZZULI, gave an opening speech.

Ju Yiwen, president of ZZULI, made a report on teaching work titled as “Improving the Personnel Training by Deepening Reforms”. Mr. Ju’s report first took a glance at the great achievements ZZULI has made during the past 3 years. Then, he summarized the schooling experiences and the probed into the problems existing in the teaching work. Mr. Ju also put forward the future teaching guidance, namely, we should “adhere to the principle of educating students with top priority given to cultivating their moral integrity under the guidance of scientific outlook on development”.

The session closed on the afternoon of March 20 and Lv Yanli, vice president of ZZULI, made a closing speech.

























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