
Xiaodong Zhang

Updated:: 2021-12-29  Clicks: 26  

Xiaodong Zhang

PhD, Lecturer,Master's tutor

ADDRESSCollege of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, No.136 KeXue Avenue, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China



Research Interests

Micro/nano Photonics (Metasurfaces)

Education Background:

1999/09-2003/06, Henan University, major in Measurement, Control& Instrument, Bachelor of Engineering

2003/09-2006/06, Zhengzhou University, major in optics, Master of Science

2014/09-2020/06, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, major in optics, Doctor of Science

Courses Offered:

The principle and application of microcontroller, Signals and Systems, etc.


[1]X. D. Zhang, D. Kong, Y. Zhao and T. Ma. ”Generation of scalar/vectorial vortex beams by using the plasmonic metasurfaces”, Applied Optics 61, (2022).

[2] X. D. Zhang, D. Kong, S. Liu, and H. Wang. "All-dielectric metasurface with multi-function in the near-infrared band", Journal of the Optical Society of America A 37, (2020).

[3] X. D. Zhang, D. Kong, Y. Yuan, S. Mei, and G. Wang. "Broadband and dispersion-free reflective silver metasurfaces as half-wave plate and vortex-beam generator", Optics Communications 465, (2020).

[4] X. D. Zhang, DP Kong; Yuan, Y, Mei, S, Wang, LL. "A single gold metasurface design capable of generating vortex beams with different topological charges",  OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 13, (2019).

[5] Xiaodong Zhang, Sujuan Liu, Fengxiao Zhai. “A review of generation of vortex beams based on the geometric phase metasurfaces”, Journal of Light Industry 03, (2021).

Patent and Software Copyright:

[1]Lili Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Depeng Kong. Microstructure zigzag hollow core fiber. (2015102335038)

[2] Xiaodong Zhang, Yanming Xiong, Cunkai Cao. Intelligent garbage classification device based on microcontroller and multi-sensor. (2014203545585)

[3] Xiaodong Zhang, Kai Shi, Duoyao Wang. Temperature and pressure monitoring system V1.0. (2021SR1638363)

Research Projects:

[1] Design and fabrication of microstructured fiber for generating & propagating of vortex beams (Chinese Natural National Foundation, 11474351)

[2] Research on key technology for mid-infrared achromatic metalens based on nonlinear phase compensation (Key R&D and promotion projects in Henan Province)

[3] Study on generation of multi beams with aberration-free based on metasurfaces in near-infrared band ( Key scientific research projects of colleges in Henan Province 22B140007)

[4] The technical development of friendly interaction system based on displays of vehicles (Cooperative project WLY20190036)


Rewarded the second award in Science and technology achievement of Department of Education of Henan Province.

Professional Affiliations :

The Member of Henan Physics Society

Academic Activities:

Attending UNICAM-ZZULI: Build Research Bridges and making a presentation online.

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